My first attempt at a story - Enjoy!

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by darkstormyeve, Jul 23, 2006.

  1. darkstormyeve

    darkstormyeve New Member

  2. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Quick warning for those younger eyes...rated R for some nudity, ask your parents for permission first if you aren't sure if you should read it.
    Mods, you might want to have a looksie to see if we can keep this link up.

    I'm sure it's a wonderful story darkstormyeve, and I plan on reading it. Please don't get offended if the mods remove this link, it's just that this is a family friendly forum.
  3. darkstormyeve

    darkstormyeve New Member

    Oh jeez! I totally forgot. Yep, maybe take the link down. Sorry!!!
  4. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    I did read the story, it was excellent, but it did get racey during that one scene. Good job, and definitly keep writing, maybe you can start a story thread on this board and just keep it PG here? I'll be watching it though for the updates. Looking forward to chapter 15!
  5. darkstormyeve

    darkstormyeve New Member

    Thankyou heaps for the feedback. I totally forgot about the R rated bits as yes, as I have the nude patch in my game and an anatomically correct one at that then I won't mind if this link deleted.

    I plan to work on Chapter 15 tonight. It titled "Cinderella Lucy Goes to the Ball" and she deserves too in my book. Hope you like her new dress!
  6. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    I'm not "banning" it. The story is acessed via an off-site link and warnings have already been given. DarkSE is welcome in my opinion. A little colorful language and some drawn nudes don't get Europeans especially excited. I haven't had time to read it all though ;) What I have seen seems well written and the pics are nicely shot. :D

    DarkSE, I would be inclined to advise that we appreciate all contributions and especially those that strive to match the game's broad family-based appeal.
  7. mEtAlHeAd

    mEtAlHeAd O RLY??

    Nice story.

    Though why would you want a nude patch?
  8. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    We're not supposed to discuss that on this site. ;)
  9. darkstormyeve

    darkstormyeve New Member

    I have a simple reply though. It makes the game more real. Nothing more.

    I got all my photo's ready for chapter 15 last night. I was disappointed in the dress I downloaded for Lucy. The shoulder straps didn't join correctly so unfortunetly she's in a uni number but she still looks beautiful.

    I will put a warning on my blog too about offensive language. Sometimes though, saying "darn it" just doesn't cut to how my character is truly feeling.

    Thanks for your support everyone. Even though blogging your stories takes more time than the game play itself, I am really enjoying the story writing. It gives my game play a purpose, otherwise I get bored and don't play at all.

    Any feedback is welcome.

  10. mEtAlHeAd

    mEtAlHeAd O RLY??

    Well,Then ive got to admit,Your storys very cool.

    And i mainly like it because Dylans my name :p and in the first couple of lines or something it has my name :p :p :p :p
  11. darkstormyeve

    darkstormyeve New Member

    Well, thankyou Dylan. I am quite fond of the name hence calling my main character that.

    I have a print out of the top 500 Western surnames and christian names (male & female) and that helps me heaps when it comes to naming my characters.

    Anyone got any tips of where Lucy should go now with Zachary?? Who should call who first, if at all?? Zachary is a nice boy but I guess where does Lucy's heart truly lay?
  12. darkstormyeve

    darkstormyeve New Member

    Oh yeah, chapters 15 and 16 are up now and they are CLEAN. Promise.
  13. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Nice story, Stormy. Looks like it was a really good party. And I like her hairdo, too. :)
  14. lollypop

    lollypop New Member

    kool story

    This time i will comment on your story, very good and very addicting if you know what i mean but yes very nice :LOL:
  15. darkstormyeve

    darkstormyeve New Member

    Thanks Lollipop!

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