My simmies live perfect lives and achieve highly in college and in their work. I make all my own sims (never use the Maxis-made families) - they go on dates, marry, have kids (lots of them ), and never age to be an elder as I use the elixir of life. I don't let my sims die, it's too sad lol. I never kill sims, I become attached to them and love to fill the neighbourhod with families. When a sim kid is born, I record details in my notebook - their name, zodiac sign, aspiration, college subject, career path etc., and match them to another sim kid who will eventually marry them. I build houses mainly for function rather than appearance - I prefer to use a house that my sims can move around in without walls appearing to block my view etc. I have never made a story or movie, but now I have learned a little about movies, I might make one, probably based on a love story, as I'm a hopeless romantic lol. My sims kiss each other as one returns home from work, they do lots of flirting and romantic interactions . I make my sims do certain things such as washing hands after the toilet, even if their hygiene bar is full. They also kiss and make-up if one of them yells at the other in the bathroom, if one was in the shower and he/she gets out and yells lol. They ummm woohoo a lot, and they are good parents to all their kiddies. I make them change careers as soon as they reach the top of a career path, as I get bored with just one career. I don't use cheats/ boolprop or whatever else, hacks etc. - I prefer a challenge and let my sims earn their way through life, otherwise the game is too easy. Hmm I'm waffling lol. That's all for now.
I used to just play around with families, get them to the top of their careers, build nice big houses for know, the whole picket fence, American dream kind of thing. But then I had more fun with the soap-opera like aspects with the game, and I'd throw in some drama just for fun. Lately, however, I have a lot more fun with Challenges, like the Legacy Challenge and the Asylum challenge. It adds a competitive feature to the game, and it's also very fun writing stories with the photo album thing and uploading them to the official website.
I admit it, I play for the architecture. What I tend to do is make a "Sim-self" as an adult, and play out my life and make me a success. This used to work well when I used the Maxis neighborhoods, but now I find that I need to start making more inhabitants so my business can thrive Unfortunately, I don't have an ounce of creativity in me, so I don't do challenges, stories, or movies. So if you think about it, everything I do is pretty systematic--yet I seem to have more fun with this game than any other. -John
I always play for fun . But using the game to tell stories has gotten to be my number one obsession, even now, because although I haven't got a story going in the forum I'm working on one. If it looks like it will work OK then I'll try posting it and see if anyone would like to read more of it. (It has an entirely new cast of characters.) So that's how I voted -- story telling.
I voted for "Fun." If it wasn't fun why would I do it? I admit it sometimes gets tedious, but that's my own fault. I can usually find ways to snap out of it, like actually playing a family for a while, or doing the asylum challenge, or trying to get a business to level 10. I tend to skip around a lot because I want all of my sims to age at the same rate, so as soon as one gets to the next age level it's off to the next house. So my highest level business to date is level 7 and my sims tend to live a long time, even though I let them become elders, and die of old age. It's sad, it's hard to do, but it's part of life and if I didn't let them die I'd have too many sims to play. The ones I really like become vampires, sometimes. That way they live longer. I of course am obsessed with my storyline, but again, fun is the main reason I play.
With this generation of Sims I just play for fun, whereas with TS1 it was also for skinning/object design. With TS2 I haven't really figured out how to do any hacking or anything high-tech like that so I'm stuck just point-and-clicking my sims to their graves.
I play the sims2 mostly because I like to build houses and most of all decorating it. Mainly because I like to decorate the homes, but I voted on architecture since it's closest to what I do
I love to play the sims, for many aspects. I spend hours making my sims beautiful homes, and am getting much better at landscaping their yards as I work at it more. Even my 'cheap' homes are at least some what asthetically pleasing. But I also love to just to play with my sims. I watch them fall in love, have kids and grow old together in the houses I have built them. I have not played any one family far enough for them to die, because once I have their kids move out of the house, I usually play more with the kids and their growing families. Sometimes I decide who I want my sims to fall in love with and sometimes I let them decide on their own. It all depends on what kind of mood I am in when I start playing.
I finally figured it out. I play to download. I play to get new stuff, try it out on my simmies, and then go download more stuff. I can't go buy a new car, or couch, or house. . . but I can sure get them for my simmies. Than said, I also play to make them happy, to watch them grow and learn and see how they develop.
i also play for fun...but whilst playing for fun i also make sure they have good qualities about them. just like someone said i also make sure they are hygenic....washing hands after using the bathroom....or changing a baby's diaper or taking out the trash.etc. i also make sure that i try to keep it realistic whilst making sure that the fantasies come out aswell. the sims 2 is great for when you have had a tough day at school/college/univeristy/work or just for fun on a boring day. i love the sims 2
I do it to kill ym sims in new and interestign ways. I wanna kill on on the potty. Oh, and to download awesome new clothes.
LOL Michelle. I play for the storylines I guess. I used to make loads of soapies and stories on TS1, but it's too slow for that on TS2.
My style of play has changed over the last year. My work sometimes keeps me away for days (even weeks) at a time, and I don't like to play unless I have a good long chunk of time. I sink into the game and forget about the time... At first I obsessed over the details of each family member's lives in an attempt to max everything out and keep people happy all the time. Consequently I was sometimes frustrated. Maybe I'm tired, but I find it more interesting now to let them determine more about what to do, not fix problems or even remind them all the time (go to work, that sort of thing). It turns out I actually enjoy the game more as their lives are more like mine, not less. It's not fantasy for me, but a kind of virtual life just as (I suspect) the originators intended it to be. I find the unhappiness as interesting as the happiness, poverty more of a challenge to live in than getting rich can be, new career paths more intriguing than the top of a career (once you've had the helicopter, what else is there?) I get bored with the giant mansions after awhile and just make new families in little hovels. Someone could do a dissertation on the personality and playing style connections of Simmies.
It's nice that you didn't make the poll so that you had to pick only one. The way I play depends on my mood. Sometimes I spend days just building houses. Sometimes I spend time downloading things for a free way of "fullfilling my shopping needs" (which you didn't have as an option). I also just like to play my families. And I also like to make clothes for my Sims.
I play the game for fun as well, making families grow and try to make them succeed as much as I can. I have been wanting to add an alien family to pleasentview, but haven't been able to get around to it yet. I play a lot with the in game sims (does anyone else do this?); but I also have a lot of my own sims. I also just started off on my legacy challenge, I guess we'll see how that one goes as well.
I play to extend my family line, so far I have gotten to great granddaughter/son I like marrying my sims off & watching how their children turn out & getting as many lovers & friends for my main sim (the great grandmother lol! i just can't kill her, she was my first character ) I want to see what the memory for having 20 lovers is... so far she has 13 i think. My other goal is to see all the memories lol, i'm just very curious
I play for fun, but enjoy storylines and such and if I could make movies that would probably be my new reason to play. I also try to build as, well, 'unique' houses as possible. I play with the pre-made families and my own families about the same amount, trying to keep their age levels consistent so everyone ages together. I let my sims die, because I'm not very good at the game (although there's not really a bad... Hmm...) and would go crazy trying to get larger families to do what I want on time. I'm not that good at maintaining relationships... I like to make loose plans for my sims, and play to what I made them to be like. I try to keep my sims on the same career track, even if I get them to level 10 (I did once ). My sims are usually very 'intimate'.