Makeing Twins Quads and all of the above tripletsandquads: this allows you to either pick the number of children you want at birth: 1-4 or let the game randomly choose for you. I have decided to set my own probabilities at: singles (80%) twins (10%) triplets (5%) and quads (5%). This can be very fun or a torture depending on how you look at it! (created by twojeffs) Information found at Life of a
Um ...? The link you gave does not work and in any event TwoJeffs now has his own section over at MATY *Mirelly wanders away scratching head* As far as I know, TwoJeffs doesn't have a muliple births hack so if one used to exist it is probably discontinued and unsupported and may even be damaging to the stability of the game
He still does have that mod on MATY, but I'm not so keen on having multiple babies. Two's fine enough with the randomness it has.
quads n' triplets??? Hello everyone! Well, I didn't even know you could have over two babies at a time on Sims 2! Then I see that you can have QUADS! Oh geez am I stuck back in the boondocks! LoL*** Is it like a cheat that u put in to get quads and triplets or does it just happen? If it is a cheat... Mind telling me what it is?!?
Morgan - It's only possible to get triplets and quads if you use a hack or there is an 'extremely rare' glitch in the game. I'm happy with the occasional twins as well. I really don't want to have to deal with more than that in one go (ever again). LOL Cass.
I can't get the quads cheat download to work. It's in a package folder, what should I do to make it work?
Do you have an extraction program? Usually you can right click on the file and select Extract All... and a Windows Wizard will pop up.