Lllloooaaaaddddiiiinnnggg Ttttiiimmmmeee!!! My PC meets the following system specifications for the sims 2 (800 mhz processor, 256 ram and nVidia GeForce 4 (64 mb)) so the game runs pretty well. and the sims 2 game is an exellent game, no doubt. but I believe that no game, no matter how good it is, should take for ages to load up! It's just not worth it!! so, Im hoping that if somebody (anybody), can give my any suggestions, links, basically anything to improve the game loading time for the Sims 2. I would really appreciate it. :coolnessl:
are there any expanions installed? you need to download the patch for the latest version of the game (e.g. if you ahve nightlife, you need to download only the nightlife patch, same with sims 2 base game, etc)...