How Do I New Sims 2 Question

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Colfax, Nov 17, 2006.

  1. Colfax

    Colfax New Member

    New Sims 2 Question

    I am new to Sims 2 so i'm not sure how this works. When you buy expansions howd does it work. Do they just add content to your computer or do you have to use the CD for that particular expansion when your playing it. Do the expansions build on each other. If i get one can i play the other simutaneously. Whcih brings me to the which Cd do you use. I just kinda confused here can someone explain how it works.

    Also me and my wife have our own computers. Do we have to buy two of all the expansions or so we just need two of the Sims 2 game?
  2. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    For any expansion to work, you need to have the original base game istalled first. Once you have the original game, when you install the expansion pack, it will add data to your computer, BUT you will need the expansion CD or DVD to play the game.

    As I understand it, Maxis has built in a verification process, so that you need the disc when you launch the game. The game will verify that you have the correct disc, and then your can start playing. Once you start playing the game, the disc is no longer needed, and you can even eject it and put it away until the next time you play. KEEP THOSE PREVIOUS DISCS, however! Even though you may no longer need the original Sims 2 disc to play once you've added an expansion, if you ever need to reinstall, you willl need the original discs (AND the registration keys that come on the CD cases!)

    As you add expansion packs, each one adds more content, but all of the content from the previous expansions is still there, so, for example, I you have added University, and then Nightlife, your sims can not only go downtown, but they can also still go to college.

    And here is a KEY Point: If you are planning on adding multiple expansions, it is really important to install them in the order they were you would install University first, then Nightlife, then Open for Business, etc. Installing them out of order has been known to cause problems.

    Finally, since you and your wife both own a computer, TECHNICALLY, each computer should have it's own copy of Sims 2, plus any expansions.

    Hope this answered your questions! And welcome to the wonderful world of Simming!
  3. Colfax

    Colfax New Member

    First questions. If I don't want university and night ife can i just buy Open for business and Pets and it still be fine?

    Second. If i want to play OFB and still have the pets stuff from that expansion which CD do i use? Because you said you have to play the one you have in but still can do different things that each Expansion has to offer (i.e. go downtown and go to college)

    Third. If we both have the Sims2 game do we each have to buy the expansions? if i want OFB and pets and so does my wife do we both have to buy those expansions to play them? or can we buy the expansion once and use it on both

    I still don't get it
  4. darkdragonluver

    darkdragonluver New Member

    I can answer question one and two, no you don't need to buy nightlife or university to play OFB or pets. You can just buy OFB and Pets and have it be good.
    Maxis has it set up so that you have to play the game from the most recently released expansion pack (that you have purchased) so in this case you have to play from Pets.
    The third question I'm not sure if I can answer, since that may boarder on breaking piracy laws, though I can't be sure. I think a moderator would have to clear that up for you.
  5. Colfax

    Colfax New Member

    By answering question two you cleared up 3 for me. Thx. I just wasnt sure if the expansion was like generic meaning you could just put it on any computer you want. But knowing that i have to have the latest CD in the system (i.e. Pets) to play the ones before it i understand that you have to buy all the CDs for both comps. whihc sux but oh well

    How do Stuff packs work?

    Do you need those Cd in the drive? or do they just strictly add features no cd required after installed?
  6. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    The stuff packs only need the CD to install and then you still use the latest expansion pack CD to play the game.
  7. Colfax

    Colfax New Member

    One last thing for clarification

    So if I Buy Sims 2 , OFB, Pets

    1. I install in that order?

    2. I can't buy Sims 2, Pets and then later buy OFB? Becasue that screws things up?

    3. If i buy Sims 2, OFB, Pets (after i install them all) i cant play with the OFB cd and still have the pets stuff?

    4. off topic...which exp. do you get cars. whats their purpose?
  8. darkdragonluver

    darkdragonluver New Member

    You could buy sims 2 and pets now and OFB later. You don't have to install in that order, though I have heard rumors that it can cause problems when I did it on mine I had no problems. Once you have installed Pets, it will not allow you to play with the OFB cd at all, it will tell you that you don't have the correct cd in the drive. Now, you will have all of the other content from all the expansions you have installed when you play from Pets, so you won't lose any gameplay experience.

    Now, on to the cars... Cars are a feature of Nightlife. Your sims can buy them with a driveway, and drive the car places (work, downtown, etc) without having to rely on a carpool or taxi. This is very useful if you're late for work on the game, because the carpool doesn't wait for you.

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