Which expansion should i get ?? Ok i have The sims 2, Nightlife, Open For Business and Univercity. Which Expansion should i get next? Or which one has the most stuff on it?
Well....there is really only one expansion left: Pets. The others are stuff packs and only add, well, stuff! Pets is an actual expansion pack. I'd suggest that one. Honestly the others aren't really worth it. The only one that might be worth it is the holiday pack as it can allow you to have Santa to come and throw New Years Eve parties.
Yep, like the others said. There is only one other expansion pack...Pets. The stuff packs don't count..and personally I'm never going to buy them (heard too many bad things). So get Pets! You'll love it. Cass.
My question is better. I have Pets and the original game. Im thinking of asking for another for xmas but i cant decide which to get. whats got the best content and the most worth to it. Nightlife, University, OFB. Give me your take on which expansions you liked the best and had the most content. Also which stuff pack do you think is most worth it. I have pets so don't talk about that one.
Nightlife gives so much more to the game in the way of sim interactions and cars and building tools. It's also where the vampires come from. It's my favorite. University is slow as molasses but adds careers and some other sim interactions. OFB is the most complicated of the expansions. Very tricky, learning all the details of managing an inhome or downtown business. But it gives you Servos (the robots.)
Firstly, I don't know why you had to hyjack someone elses thread like this. You could have made you're own thread or at least done a search to find what people were saying about each expansion. However... As far as game play, OFB probably adds the most apart from pets. There is an entirely new dimension to the game. Nightlife is great for all the reasons Lynet already mentioned, but you still play the game exactly the same (apart from dating). Uni is crap. Most of it is a waste of time, but the new careers are worth the pain (most of the time). Cass.
It's not hyjacking if your question is the same mine was just more detailed. I just said mines better poking a lil fun sry i will leave that out next time.