Can I play PETS expan without original sims 2? I am going to get sims 2 pets in the coming days and I wanted to confirm just in case. Can I install using the original sims 2 and then use the PETS CD to play? Or are the expansion discs useless after installing?
You need to keep your basegame TS2, but to play you'll need disc 1 from Pets. If you give the basegame or any EP to someone else, you need to delete them from your computer before doing so. It's software piracy to not own the game if you've left it on your computer. It's also software piracy to loan the game to someone so that they can install it on their computer without owning it.
what if me and my little brother want to play sims? i have TS2 for a long time and when he gets his computer he is gonna to play too. if we get an EP, it will be for me and he gets the base game. is that possible? cuz i don't think our parents will buy the base game again! (and by i don't think i mean i'm sure they wont)
If you read the EULA for The Sims 2, it basically says you can install multiple times on a single computer, not multiple computers. To achieve play on two different computers, you'll need two discs.
Disulphide, I wouldn't worry about it. I've installed my sims (same discs and all) a dozen times on a dozen different computers. It always works for me. Just make sure the specs are awesome.
Me too (well maybe not a dozen, lol - muffin you've had a dozen computers? what do ya do with them all? lol). If disulphide is asking if it's possible to install the game on a new computer, using the same discs, yes it will work. If disulphide is asking about using the same discs if they have been used on another computer that still has the game installed on it, then this is not ok. If the previous computer still has the game installed, then you're legally obliged to buy another copy of the game for your new computer.