If you had to choose 1 expansion pack... I have 50 dollars in my hot little hands and Im definately wanting to buy a sims 2 expansion pack...Im looking at either OFB, Pets, University, or nightlife. Seasons doesnt really intrest me to tell you the truth..Or should it? Which do you think is the best one?
im mostly interested in OFB and Pets..because I've always wanted to go to work with my sims, and pets because I love pets! I have 3 irl. :3
My favorite expansion so far is Nightlife, no contest. You get downtown, viewable neighborhood, vampires, dating ... in my opinion the most fun and useful EP. (There's nothing like a date to cheer a sim who's stuck in the low greens.) I'm looking forward to Seasons, though. That might become a second favorite. As for the rest, University's a bit boring if useful, OFB is fun and adds a nice dimension, but maintaining a business and a family is tricky. I like the homecrafting options. Robots, especially cleanbots, are quite useful. Pets is a bit light. I wouldn't recommend it as your only EP, even though the pets are cute. I only got that expansion because I have a nine year old daughter who's animal crazy. Anyway, my two cents for what it's worth.
You can't go to work with your sims if it's a job that you find on that sims computer. BUT if you buy a business in Bluewater village or such, you handle the business yourself. I like nightlife too, just for the vampires. Nice touch.
I don't think any of them are really worth it. They are almost the same thing as the 1st Sims EP. EA just wants your money by bringing out EP for the same game that don't really do anything but add new items and some new things to do. I'd save that $50 for somthing better. And pay nothing for the EP's........:shocked: But I see that anything thats not legit isnt liked on this forum.. But I wasn't gonna be a sucker again and pay over $200 for crap that isnt new just old sims 1 EP's with a face lift.......
Well, I'm sorry you feel that way about Sims 2 and the EPs. I appreciate that it's your view and you're entitled to your own opinion. I'm not sure what you mean in relation to 'anything that's not legit isn't liked on this forum' - we all have different opinions on things and generally have the freedom to express them. Personally, I love the Sims 2 EPs - especially OFB, and can't wait for Seasons as it appears to have everything I ever wanted in an EP.
Im Tied with University and Nightlife. Uni - More Instruments and cooler hairs NL - downtown, vampires, theres a DJ on the cover !
yeahh..i might just go with nightlife also because theres cars..its a pain always waiting for the **** cab to arrive. Plus vampires sound like the ****..I think I'll go with that unless my parents disapprove...>.<..
If you're talking about theft I'd be very careful. You will be banned if you talk about illegally obtaining any type of software, or any other illegal activity, for that matter. If you don't like the Sims EPs don't buy them. Tired of the Sims? Find a different game. Nothing justifies taking what you haven't paid for.
I decided on nightlife ultimately and its really fun!!! So many new things to do and cars, wow that is frigging great IMO. I hate the fact that I had to wait for the taxi. I havent gotten to finding the vampires yet but I definately will. Thanks again.
ME TOO! I can only HOPE that they kick it out for Mac as quickly as they got Pets ported over...I'm not holding my breath, though!
Meo stupido ... I just realised why your avatar is ein blau apfel. And the language is germane because it took me half a decade to realise that the German electrical goods maker: Blaupunkt marked all its products with a little blue spot trademark ... and there was me thinking it was just part of the design of my car stereo's fascia ... wot I had owned for 5 years
Thanks guys! I finally decided on nightlife...man it is so fun too! Alot of great things come with that EP..It makes want to play the sims even more. ..The wierdest thing is ever since I installed it the sims 2 has been running faster...O_o...but that is a good thing! xD