Yesterday I made a decision to start a blog, or a collection of ramblings as the case may be. I just had a deep thought yesterday about the concept of internet buddies and thought I should write it down as it was kind of a deep thought. I have another sims friend who blogs about her day to day thoughts/ramblings (as she calls them) and I enjoy reading them as they are humorous and witty. Not saying mine would be as good or entertaining as hers but it's inspiring me to do something useful and creative. I lack creativity and imagination generally, but I suppose it could be a project to work on sometime - if I stop procrastinating (which is a major fault of mine). Now I'm rambling so I will stop.
I have a blog, but it wouldn't make sense to you guys since mostly it's things involving my friends from school, and such. Occasionally I have some "deep" thoughts, or as deep as as the thoughts of a teenager can be. Most of the time it's complaining, I think. I tried to make it look really sophisticated and mature, though. A link, if any of you are interested...
So it would be reasonable to assume that if we added blogging functions here at WorldSims, it would probably not be used heavily?
Actually I do have a blog that I use somewhat frequently at a different site. However some of the topics I talk about there I woudn't be able to bring here, I think, so I kind of doubt that I'd use it too much... Although I guess if it were added I could use it for reviewing things, if I ever get around to it.
My personal life is currently so easy, it's boring. (Thank goodness) I don't suppose there's any reason why I couldn't make up fantastic adventures for myself. 123, I read a little. You're so poetic, even about spots on the ceiling! I'd have to write that the spots started moving down the walls, across the floor, and up under the covers, and that I went to work the next day with more freckles than I'd had the day before. What do you think?
Amen to Lyn's praise for 123's writing. I hope she never gives up writing. Such talent in a young head ... and such courage! I could never fall asleep beneath a ceiling studded with spider guts.
I keep one on LiveJournal that's just between me and one person I know... That's about it. I have My Space but I've never really used the blog feature.
I have a Livejournal. I've last posted in it in November (I think) I have a Myspace, but I hate that website, so I never use it.