Hey i found something sorta weird!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by mr.music, Feb 27, 2007.

  1. mr.music

    mr.music Need a DJ?

    Hey i found something sorta weird!

    Well for a school project im doing a study on the human ear...dont ask why but im sorta intrested in how they work and stuff.

    According to a page on wiki and a human body book. if it was dead silent no sound at all(which this was only recorded in 2003 in dubai 4th of june) it would really hurt. reason being is if your ears dont have anyother sound at all to concentrate on, they start to try really hard and concentrate on your blood moving, since you have so much blood it makes a very loud roaring causing you to go deaf(only 13 people in dubai went deaf).

    its sorta amazing, now you cant say OH G.. D..... I WISH IT WAS SILEN(T) when you're trying to sleep or something lol.

    Just thought it was intresting enough to share!
  2. Vega

    Vega New Member

    That is really amazing! :)
  3. Esteldin

    Esteldin New Member

    and it is :D:D.
    thansk for sharing;);)
  4. Lynet

    Lynet New Member

    Um...how did they record dead silence? I'm trying to imagine it...click (turning on the tape recorder)...hiss (the tape running around the spindles)... :p

    Sorry, Mr. Music. It just struck me as so funny that someone recorded no sound at all.

    (And let's try not to take Anyone's name in vain. Thank you. :))
  5. mr.music

    mr.music Need a DJ?

    Well apparently in dubai they have sound monitors...for that short time they reported no sound and the traffic sound wave had nothing there, then peope started rrining up hostipal abotu sore ears and people went deaf, scientists descovered the problems with test subjects.
  6. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Mr Music, I'd love to read that Wiki reference ... do you have it?
  7. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    For there to be dead silence, wouldn't there have to be nothing moving at all? As such all energy out of every object would have to be taken away, the only way this is possible would be for the temperature to be absolute zero?
    (-273.15C or 459.67 F)
    Last time I checked this is not possible, unless you're in space.

    Any object is moving at any temperature higher than absolute zero, as such the atoms would 'bounce' off each other, causing sound waves no matter how small to be produced.

    Anyway if we're not saying it was that silent, the ear does not 'concentrate' on a sound, but rather turns the vibrations in the air to something that we can understand, in a sense 'sound' doesn't exactly exist, it is merely the movement of atoms.

    I doubt the fact that the ear listening to it's own blood rushing past it would cause it to focus so hard and deafen itself.
    As for there being no sound at all, this would mean no air was moving? No person or animal was breathing? No object moving at all? I for some reason doubt that a lot. :rolleyes:

    But I may be wrong about everything I have said in this post, if anyone wishes to correct me please do. I would also like to see that Wikipedia article.

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