How Do I can you get twins

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by plyemzi, Mar 16, 2007.

  1. plyemzi

    plyemzi New Member

    can you get twins

    when your sim i pregante can they have twins or not ??
  2. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    A pregnant Sim can have twins (and if you get the glitch, triplets or quads). If you only have the basegame there is *no* way of making your Sims have twins by choice. There's a mod (on MTS2 or perhaps MoreAwesomeThanYou) which can get you twins if you don't have the EPs which allow it as a cheat.

    If you have any EPs past OFB installed, "force twins" or having the pregnant Sim eat cheesecake will cause your Sim to have twins.
  3. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    So there's no way of forcing your sims to have sims unless you get some mod installed on your computer or whatever? :( That's a bit of a dissapointment. I have NL, Pets, Uni and the original obviously and the cheat 'TwinzR2Cute' doesn't work at all -- I've tried.

    So for me it's lucky if I get twins - but it's getting more common in my game. Or was. (I can't play the sims 2 or any game for that matter on my computer because it's ****ed itself :tired:)

    So I haven't been able to play on sims for ages :hissyfit: And I have a feeling that I won't be able to play on it again for a very long time.

    Oh how will i servive?:sob: lol
  4. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    You have the right EPs to get twins, but the cheat is "Forcetwins" not any of the ones which people were speculating worked for the base and early EPs.

    Sorry your machine killed itself. Hopefully you'll be able to fix it or get it fixed.
  5. plyemzi

    plyemzi New Member


    thanks i have nearly(i will have all them soon when they come:D) all the extention packs so if it might work and might not iv'e got seasons , uni and pets commnig iv'e ordered them off amazon i so excited:D beacuse every ones being saying there really good (is there a new sims2 game celbration comming out beacuse people being saying there is?)

    thanks for your help
  6. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    Celebration has been officially announced by Maxis. You can find more out about here:

    It's a new "stuff pack" which means that it's not as expensive as a full EP but is mostly to give more objects and clothing.
  7. plyemzi

    plyemzi New Member


    :Dthanks i used the cheat 'forcetwins' and it work my sim had boy and girl and about the cheese cake thing the is no option for cheese cake
    kl about the celebration one is like glamour life and same amount of money like glamour and family fun was 10 ?
  8. KatAnubis

    KatAnubis Lady Staff Member

    If you used "force twins" and the cheesecake option came with Open For Business. Supposedly the cheat is also in later EPs but the cheesecake might not be.

    However, there were a lot of people who thought that TwinzRCute and other things worked. But it was just luck that they got twins, since there's a very high incidence of twins which will occur "naturally."
  9. fuzzy_ferret_luver

    fuzzy_ferret_luver New Member

    Oh geez...The VERY first time I played TS2 and had my Sim get pregnant, she had twins. Since I really had no clue what I was doing they both ended up getting taken away by a Social Worker. :flippant:

    I didn't know you could use a cheat and get twins...and what if you download cheesecake? I downloaded a whole set of desserts including different cheesecakes from a website. Will those work or only OFB cheesecakes? Also is it guaranteed with the cheesecake or it just helps?
  10. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    The twins cheat and the cheesecake is OFB only.
  11. plyemzi

    plyemzi New Member

    i normally get my baby /twins taken away from me but i being cheating and use the cheat 'maxmotives' and it makes all the green bars go up and so you don't really have to look after them lol
  12. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    So I know the cheat to get twins but my question is when do you type the cheat? After the lullaby song after you're sims have whoo-hooed or just before she gives birth or when the box thing comes up saying that you have a baby or something?

    I've heard different things when it comes to twins but I dunno which one is the right one :D hehe.
  13. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Both forcetwins and the cheesecake will work at any point of the pregnancy. As long as you have Open For Business, Pets or Seasons that is. If you don't have any of those expansion packs, sorry, there are no cheats.
  14. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    I have pets and I'm probably going to get Seasons soon, it all depends on if we get the PC fixed. But there isn't any cheesecakes in Pets that I know of... Is it a buyable object or a cheat? :shocked:
  15. sailorchiiavalon

    sailorchiiavalon Addicted to Sims 2!

    I think cheesecake is a food that a Sim can make with a high enough Cooking skill. (Correct me if I'm wrong.)

    I've noticed that since I've installed Seasons my newborns are a lot more "whingey", wanting to be fed a lot etc. They are in the same general genepool so I just assumed it was a family thing.

    I accidentally got triplets on mine because I had that mod installed. I deleted the mod afterwards and my insimenator doesn't work anymore so I ended up having natural twins!

    The mother was a NPC so I'm guessing it is one of those things.
  16. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    Aww cool tripplets!!! :shocked: I always have natural twins if I every get twins (it's becoming more and more common in my game by the way!) because - up till now - I haven't known the propper cheat for twins.

    Oh, and thanks for the cheesecake tip by the way! :D
  17. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr :mad:

    This thread will be closed if people do not stop posting rubbish about twins.

    There is an entry in the Frequently Asked Questions about multiple births. It is the definitive 101 on The Sims 2 multiple births and all other theories are little more bovine faecal matter. (And yeah, we native English speakers even spell the latin for **** properly :rolleyes: )
  18. GoldenLacey

    GoldenLacey New Member

    Just had twins!

    I just had a set of natural twin girls with my legacy starter and Brandi LeTourneau. And yes, since I've installed Seasons my babies are more needy than they used to be too. They love to be played with now, which is something I rarely had to do before. None the less, I still love seasons!! :) Well worth it.

    Heather :cutie:
  19. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Josh. Maybe I am feeling a touch rebellious tonight ... but why is **** censored when piss isn't? Is it because **** smells more than pee? To British sensibilities piss is as equally offensive, as a word, as its anglo-saxon counterpart for the brown faecal stuff. The trouble is that censors (without -- carefully considered legal -- direction) are stupid. It is why Hollywood, Burbank & The US Video Games Industry (censored by self-appointed bodies of anonymous guardians of decency) have presided over shocking levels of violence in audio-visual media while riding rough-shod over the, otherwise constitutional, right of every US citizen: the right to free expression.

    I came within a whisker of trashing my game discs when, following the post-hot-coffee debacle, EA removed the censorgrid cheat from the game. Any child old enough to grasp may rip the clothes from a Barbie (or GI Joe/Action Man) doll but heaven forfend that they be able to see the same featureless anatomy on the animated "body" of a virtual doll (and let's not be mistaken in that. Sims are dollies pure and simple.) No matter how realistic they are made to appear with high definition skins, they still look artificial.

    In my humble opinion, the initial decision to add a censor (to The Sims, 1 or 2) says a lot (and all of it negative) about those who made that decisions than it does about those who want to (or wish they could) dispense with such a stupid and pointless (and insulting) curb on the rights of the majority to experience life at first hand, rather than have it sanitized by Bowdlerisers who assume they know better.

    My view is best summed up by the words of a British talk-radio personality who, berating British law (yes we have dumb controls in place as well!*) regarding political elections, where TV and radio cannot make political statements during the 3 week period leading up to an election. He -- Ian Collins -- says: "if only I had that power! Imagine. I could say you must all vote for Y and, guess what? They do because the man on the radio told them to. Bollocks!" BTW Bollocks is very rude in British english as well .... :(

    * At least in the UK the only controls upon our freedoms are imposed by laws passed by the parliament we elect. We may not have a fancy written constitution and a fabled bill of rights (we've got one of those but we dont' talk about it, just take it for granted ... actually we have more than one ... the first was exacted from KJI at the point of a sword in 1215 ... I have seen the parchment in the British Museum,) but we don't allow self-appointed guardians of ... anything ... to tell us what to do (that's us the people, not us the nation ... Pedro el Paisano of the somewhere up the Orinoco can tell Britland where to go and we'll do our best to oblige, but that's another story :eek: ). The point is that, speaking as outsider, with a close and adequately accurate appreciation of American culture, I find it more than a little irksome to find my freedom of expression regularly baulked, blocked and downright flattened, by a morality that is, in effect, policed by a body that, is not only, elected by nobody but also perpetuates 90% of that which it professes to detest by passing for public viewing &/or consumption (and with lamentably weak caveats) such treasures as: Carmageddon (run down a granny for points) or (if the movies are your thing) it has always been difficult to find a movie where no-one gets killed ... not dies, but killed, diced, sliced, butchered. In Britain and othe parts of Europe we make movies and TV programs of all sorts. Many of them could not be shown on TV in the US because the subtitles contain words like **** and the occasional sight of a nipple on a female chest ... or even some hair ... :eek: down there :eek:.

    Frankly, America, you should be ashamed of yourselves. :cool:
  20. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    No argument here, Mirelly, except for this: it's not "we Americans." It's the puritanical, lawsuit frightened sheep. I am not one of them. As Witch Baby says, baaaaaaa humbug to them.

    Speaking as someone who wishes we were a little less uptight, WE'RE NOT ALL LIKE THAT.

    There. There's your counter argument, such as it is. I've got a headcold or I'd be more verbose. Not more profound, necessarily, just more verbose.

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