Family Trees. Another idea, why dont you all post your Family trees, so we can see whos familys are huge or small! lol heres mind I adopted a child, but she came when my sims were at work and got taken away the same day :(
Um, my main one wouldn't fit. I made an Excel spreadsheet because it was so huge. I'm on generation 7 ... Maybe if my game starts working again I'll add a tree with a slightly smaller branch ...
Here it is, in PDF format. No pix, sorry, just names. You'll notice how twisted it is from the fact that the twins Aaron and Moses appear 4 times, due to their parent's heritage. Looks like some names got cut off a bit but you get the idea.
LOL, SBW. I have a fairly large monitor and I still got cross-eyed trying to see all of that. Gosh, I love Sims2 -- genetics, babies, family trees.