The Elder Scrolls - Oblivion

Discussion in 'General Gaming Talk' started by Vega, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. Vega

    Vega New Member

    The Elder Scrolls - Oblivion

    Does anyone here plays Oblivion?? I've been playing it for
    2 or 3 weeks and i'm lovin it! The graphics are really amazing, i'm having so much fun playing oblivion that i almost forgot my sims :eek:
    the game is really good! there are so much things to do! i'm exploring the world, there are many mines and caves with treasures and monsters to fight, and abandoned castels and forts with scary ghosts and skeletons lol... there are a main quest and several side quest that we can play... i'm getting addicted to this game lol
    i create this thread so we can share our opinions about this fantastic game:)
  2. Esteldin

    Esteldin New Member

    ehheheheheh this game is really amazing...I never played a game such wonderful like this one...
    at this moment I'm trying to become a great magician at Arcane University in the Imperial City...
  3. Vega

    Vega New Member

    lol i've already become the arch-mage :D oblivion it's really cool i just wish the game last forever i'm getting with nothing to do in the game :(
  4. Jill Valentine

    Jill Valentine New Member

    The Elder Scrolls IV - Oblivion

    This game is indeed really amazing. There's another RPG game similar to Oblivion, the famous "Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic" which I also appreciate a lot, but KotOR is a lot less than Oblivion in terms of gameplay time. KotOR I usually finish with 58 or 60 hours. Oblivion has that same amount of hours only by listening ALL the dialogs in the game, so it really is an immersive universe where you can spend a lot of your real life time, and practically forget that you live in the real world too for some hours.

    For people who love elfic tales, such as the lord of the rings, this is a treat. You have elfs, orcs, and many other races.

    I'm currently a "pure mage" Bretton, which is a human race, and "pure mage" because it is the most strong race character you can have for magic, if you want to start with strong magic attributes withing the game. :). So my birthsign is "the mage" and my class and specialization are also for magicka, and the Bretton, which, combined with these "class, specializations and birthsign", is the strongest "pure mage" you can build to start with.

    Search the web for this game, if you don't know it, and if you like immersive and deep RPG worlds.

    The only real thing that wrecks the game for me a little are the presence of spiders. :eek: hehehe.

    Cheers !!!
  5. Vega

    Vega New Member

    my character is a dark elf because they are good to be mages and also they are resistant to fire :D wich is very good because many of the creatures in oblivion attack with fire... my birthsing is also mage :)
  6. Jill Valentine

    Jill Valentine New Member

    The Elder Scrolls IV - Oblivion - Knights of the Nine - Shivering Isles

    I think me and Vega should be game developers, 'cause we just had a great idea :).

    If there are any fans of this game in this forum, please read the partial copy of the e-mail I sent to the developers, and let me know if you support these ideas, so I can indicate you or the forum to them :).

    Hugs !!!


    1- My idea: The Rome Empire had many attractions for both the Emperor and the people. Sure there was an Arena, like the one already present in the Imperial City of Tamriel. But what Rome did have that Tamriel does not is an HIPPODROME.
    Please consider a hippodrome. I dont know where you would put it, I would like it to be in the Imperial City (if theres still enough space for one). But it would be great, and yet another source of money for the player, who could bet on the horse races, or participate in them with his/her own horse. I think the races should have categories for each breed, to prevent the player who owns a paint horse to race against a NPC who owns a black horse, just to mention one problem that came into my mind. These categories should also be present in betting mode. As for teams (like in the arena, yellow and blue team), I think here it should work differently. But you guys are the developers, so this problem Ill let you solve . There should be also special racing items to apply to the horse's body and to the jockey too. Some of the items for horses could maybe be configured (algorithimically) to improve the horse's skills, making it easier to reach top speeds, etc...

    2- My friends idea: Kvatch never recovers from its destruction, so what my friend suggested for me to ask you is: Why not a Kvatch reconstruction ? The player would help and be the main character and the most responsible for the towns rebirth, so as a thanks, the player could end up as Kvatchs Count.  The details for this and how it shall unfold, again, we leave it in your hands. Maybe taxes also come into play here, since the player is to become Kvatchs Count, so any income generated by the commerce is also an income for the citys safe (the count maybe ?). The town has to be beautifull.

    3- This third is actually a mixture between the suggestions 1 and 2. After the reconstruction of Kvatch, the hippodrome would be stationed on Kvatch, becoming a new venue for the player to visit and earn money and have some entertainment. As a count of Kvatch, the player still has to have the privilege to participate as a bidder or as a racer. When the player become Count, and bet on a horse race, there should be a place of honor for the count to watch the race. Before the total reconstruction of the town, the player is a common someone, and shall not have the privilege of the "place of honor" in the hippodrome.
    Maybe taxes also come into play here, since the player is to become Kvatchs Count, so any income generated by the commerce and the hippodrome are also an income for the citys safe (the count maybe ?). The town and the hippodrome have to be beautifull. Maybe the hippodrome can already be there for the races to take place, only it looks destroyed like the rest of town. Gradually, the whole place shall rebirth, and you have to notice that graduation in the hippodrome too. :)

    I think the number 3 is the best one, although it would take longer to have the opportunity to participate in the hippodrome (because Kvatch must be reconstructed first). But I think the reconstruction quest could take place as soon as Uriels son is out of there.

    4- The idea (or ideas) I really care about I already mentioned, but these are important. For the player who does not want to be evil, theres no alternative for the thieves guild and the darkbrotherhood. (I didnt play deep enough in the story yet, so if theres an alternative LIKE the one I will suggest, please forgive me, and let me know what are them). By alternative, I mean, if the player does not want to be an assassin, then he/she does not joins the darkbrotherhood. But this part of the story will be just ignored then, and the player will miss this part and the gameplay hours it has. So, why dont you make one of these two alternatives for the darkbrotherhood:
    a) If the player wants to be evil, he/she joins the darkbrotherhood, but if the player wants to be good, then he/she joins the good anti-darkbrotherhood faction. I said anti-darkbrotherhood, so you can give any name you want for it. This new faction must have the same number of quests of the evil side, so the player can have the same gameplay hours on both sides and the opportunity to cover this part of the story, on any of the factions, bringing a closure to it. The good side could have the support of the empire and be an official empire faction, like the Blades, or it could have the "unofficial support", meaning, secrecy, undercover, but still be a force of the empire.
    b) Or, do not make a good faction that is enemy to the darkbrotherhood. The player joins the darkbrotherhood (only this option), but has alternatives in completing the quests. So if the player wants to be good, and destroy the evil faction from within, the player should have alternatives like: QUEST = Kill Rufio, alternative = talk to Rufio and simulate his death. So we would still earn the money for the original mission, but we could not be evil, and then at the final quest, we could destroy the evil faction (if the player has been good all along or more good than evil). Players could even earn money twice on some quests, both from the darkbrotherhood (which will think you completed the missions as they asked) and from the victims, depending on the quest. I know Rufio cant pay a favor, not just because hes poor, but because it would be even wrong to accept money to save his life. But in some situations, the victims could ask you something (like on a normal quest or a subquest), and by completing the alternative way the original darkbrotherhood quest, you could receive the money from both sides. 
    Of course, either the suggestions a or b you prefer should also be applied to the thieves guild. So the player could cover this part of the game also being good. But for this "good side" of the thieves guild part of the story, if the player wants, he/she can still steal, just to develop these skills. But, being good. :)

    I think without these extra coverages for the thieves guild and the darkbrotherhood parts of the story, people who do not want to be evil miss a long part of the game. 
  7. Vega

    Vega New Member

    Great idea to post this here Jill :D i hope more people help us with this :)
  8. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    Wow, this game sounds really cool! Is it an online game like World of Warcraft or Guild Wars? This sounds quite similar to Baldur's Gate but this is obviously a much newer version.

    Oh, I love dark elves (otherwise known as drows)! They rock in their evilish and rude ways - meaning not necessarily all drows.

    In Oblivity-bob (sorry, can't remember the name of the game haha :rolleyes:) do you get to choose which alignment your charecter is? And do you have a little party where you've got other people that have joined?

    (To Vega: See, I told you I'd have a look at this thread :winks: :biggrins:)
  9. Vega

    Vega New Member

    Oblivion is not like WoW, is not for play online... you can choose your race, birthsingn and your class... then you will have to develop your skills to pass to higher levels... it's really great :D you must search the web to see some screenshots or youtube to watch some funny videos;)
  10. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    I'll most definitely do that the next time I'm on Youtube! (And I'm not lying either)

  11. Jill Valentine

    Jill Valentine New Member

    The Elder Scrolls IV - Oblivion - Knights of the Nine - Shivering Isles

    Muffin, the name of the game, full name, is "The Elder Scrolls IV - Oblivion", and the expansion packs are "Knights of the Nine" and "Shivering Isles". It's the sequel to the "The Elder Scrolls III - Morrowind" and its expansions "Tribunal" and "Bloodmoon".

    The story begins when Tamriel's emperor is murdered and he himself gives you a quest, called "the main quest".

    There are nine towns and a huge map to explore. And then, now, there's also Shivering Isles, which is a portal you must cross to get there.

    I don't know if you get party members to join you in Oblivion, because the game is so huge (hours of gameplay) that, with 25 hours already played, I still did not even began it. :) But I think 98% sure there'll never be a party (meaning other playable characters).

    But there's a "subliminar" party, for example, if you join the Mages Guild, all mages are your bros and sis. LOL. They'll not follow you in all adventures and quests, maybe never, but they'll always do anything to help an associate of their guild.

    As for alignment, like "good" or "evil", it's not like the alignment you get in Star Wars - Knights of the Old Republic (light or dark sides), but you do have "fame" and "infamy".

    The things I suggested to the developers in that e-mail are still not present in the game, let's hope they accept and do those things, but even so, the game is already awesome.

    As for everything else, you have 10 different races to choose from (4 human, 3 elf, and then Khajiit, Argonian and Orc), and you'll have 21 skills to develop. 7 will be your major skills (depending on the class and birthsign you choose), and by improving these 7 skills, your character advances a level. But when you advance a level, EVERY single character (friendly, like the imperial guards, and enemies) will also advance, so the game battles will always be challenging. As for the remaining skills, 14 of them will be your minor skills. You can also improve them and master them, but they'll not make your character advance a level. But if you master all 21, you'll be a super someone :).

    In Oblivion, the NPCs are intelligent. I don't know if there's better A.I. in any other game until today. So if you follow anyone, you'll see they sleep, they eat, they talk to others and share news and events that is happening throughout the empire territory, and they can even have reactions. For example, if a woman is studying but her dog is annoying her concentration, she casts a flame spell on the dog, so the dog gets the message and leave. :)

    The developers say there's more than a 1000 NPCs in the world, but with the expansion packs this has also grown now, and all are intelligent.

    If you hear ALL dialogs there are in the game, you'll have 50~60 hours of audio, so the game lasts even longer than that. I am guessing more than 150 hours. It may be more than this now, because the expansions really added A LOT more.

    Please if you like it, support the request I made for the developers :)

    See ya !!!
  12. Vega

    Vega New Member

    Great post :D
    what you've described makes anyone want to play the game ;) and it's a good resume and has important information for those who want to know the game :)

    (To Jill: obrigado amiga :))
  13. Consuela

    Consuela New Member

    I'm an Elder Scrolls fan myself. I've played trough the Oblivion Main Quest a couple of time already, I think I was playing within a week of its release. Gaming is the only hobby I spend money on, apart from my animals.
    My favourite races to play are Breton and Dark Elf and I usually play a mage.
    Even after the amount of hours I've played, I still don't think I've seen everything. What I like most about this type of game is that I can do whatever I want whenever I feel like it. The possibilities are endless!
  14. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    Well I finally did it, Vega... I bought Oblivion! :eek: :D
  15. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    This has to be about the most awesome game I've ever played and with all the mod sites out there for the game like and the list of more possibilities for the game keeps going.
    I've got around 300 hours playing this game and hardly any of that is from the main quest.
  16. Ferret99

    Ferret99 New Member

    With the great modding tools they have for this ive spent more time modding then playing! and thats probally over 600 hours now :)
  17. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    I'm afraid to even download the creator kit as I KNOW I'll be sucked into the black hole at it's center. I'll be doing nothing but building with it all the time.LOL
  18. Ferret99

    Ferret99 New Member

    heh thats kinda what happened to me "sees every object weapon armor misc item static object npc and terrain editor all in one place"

    "im going to go make a giant statue for ferrets!" :D
  19. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    I actually surprised someone hasn't created copies of the Argonath's (the huge stone statues from LOTR) for their game yet!
    I'm content with the majority of the content I've downloaded for the game so far!
  20. Umbra

    Umbra "Henry!"

    Yahtzee reviewed this about two weeks ago in Zero Punctuation. That man never ceases to amuse me. As usually, he didn't like the game, but he only plays RPGs whenever the planets happen to align.

    I have Oblivion myself for PC, but I haven't played much since an incident that occured a few years ago. Something snapped inside my computer and it burned somewhere inside.

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