Names What's everyones thoughts on names for people. I'm not so much a fan of common names that everyone has, but i don't like stupid names that some celebrities have given their children. I like unusual names, but nice ones. I love names that sound elegant and beautiful, my favourite name is Evelyn. And you can shorten that to Evie Names that are quite old fashioned, but not extremely old. My names Katherine so that's quite old, i prefer my name if it were to be joined by my middle name. That way it would be Katherine-Rose. What kind of names do you like?
To be honest a lot of my favourite names are made up ones. For example I love Deety, which was coined by Robert Heinlein who named one of his characters after an Edgar Rice Boroughs heroine of the Barsoom novels: Dejah Thoris. DT ... Deety. Some years ago I heard a friend's husband calling their 3 year old by the name "Effel". I liked that too. The little girl's names were Frances Louise.
Effel sounds like Ethel which to me is an old lady name. My favorite name is Anna. Love that name. For guys it's probably Marco. Love that name too. Can we make this a suggest names for your simmies thread/favorite names? Pretty please? I never have any good names.
How about Weardhyll? Blythe Daryl Zarek Telamon Rikard Alphonsus I think we had a naming thread around somewhere a couple of years ago. I used to name my sims with long complicated names but found it too annoying to remember them all, so now I go with names like Joe, Ben, McJagger, Susan, Edith. As for ERB, I liked the Venus series. I was SO disappointed when I found out Venus was too hot for anything to really live there. I think Tarzan went to the center of the earth, too.
Evelyn? I like it! I agree with you there, Kay. I'm not a fan of commonly used names either. My favourite boys name at the moment is probably Armin. It's not original and personally, I think it's quite a beautiful name. I don't really have a fav girls name at the moment. Maybe I should put Evelyn on the top of my list?
Just read my stories. (Shameless plug.) But seriously, there are tons of names in there. In my old town I named the kids alphabetically. Didn't matter what family, I just went with the next untaken letter. So, Jazz, just for you, let's see if I can remember 'em: Atalanta, Bennet, Cameron, Diandra, Ella, Felice, Gabrielle, Henry, Isabelle, Jackson, Lily, Madeleine, Nicholas, Olivia, Parker, Quinn, Riley, Skylar, Tristan, Unami, Vanessa, Wyatt, Xayide, Yvonne, Zoe, Austin ... and some out of order names: Arizona, Cadence, Morrison, Myla, and Matthew. I also like unisex names so I only have to think of one: Aaron/Erin, Peyton, Cody, Daria, Logan, Hadley, Fisher, Ellis, Bailey, Kory ... Or, nature names: Moth, River, Rain, Robin, Forest, Ocean, Sky, Poppy, Violet, Stone, Sparrow, Hawk, Wren, Brooke, Summer, Willow, Leaf, Clover, Daisy, Rose ... Or from stories or mythology: Aramis, Corwin, Random, Spike, Angel, Xander, Freya/Frey, Aries, Apollo, Artemis, Aphrodite ... Hope this helps!
in my family the names of the kids all start with L Lyra, Luna, Lucy, Lana lol but i have some sims with strange names too Micas Soeira, Taranica, Montesuma and more i can't remember now
I just came up with the best name ever for my kid in TS2: Spongebob! I'm a genious!!! *looks proud* :coolnessl: It was my brothers idea from the start really becaue when I got to the naming bit in Create-A-Sim, I couldn't come up with anything good so I asked my brother (I was desperate for a name) and he said Spongebob and I thought why not. So there you go. My new kid's name is Spongebob. Maybe I should name the next one Square Pants? Ah, my poor kids are going to be bullied to death in school most probably :nervous:
LOL muffin. My all time favourite sim name came from TS1, when I miss clicked the answer button to the "Shall we have a baby" dialog. Ohmygodyoustupididiotnowlookwhatyoujustdid Ryan always made me laugh whenever he appeared on a lot. (It didn't help that he was ultra neat, serious, nice and shy and I had him dressed in the nerdy-looking black suit with the short pants plus those terrible kids specs)
In this current Sim neighborhood I'm playing, all the first names are Spanish. Unfortunately all the last names are townie English. In previous neighborhoods I took names of my friends, family, from stories I've read, games I've played, anime I've watched, etc. For fantasy games like WoW I would take names from Greek mythology, and sometimes it depended on the race, accent, culture, etc. For example, the Native-American-like Tauren race need Native American names; the Russian accented Draenei need Russian names like Raskolnikov or Bogdan. One time I named a human paladin "Gangstaboo." The names in my family are great British names like Houghton.