How Do I holiday roast?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by krazzy kezzy, Apr 9, 2007.

  1. krazzy kezzy

    krazzy kezzy foodlover

    holiday roast?

    why can my sims never cook a holiday roast? every time i select it on the fridge it says 'stomach growling?... and when i restock on groceries it comes up with the same message. is this a problem that everyone expierinces that you can get around or is it just my game.
  2. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    Have you tried deleting that fridge and using a new one? Are you using the biggest one possible?

    Just some suggestions here. ;)
  3. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    To be honest I've had this issue myself, and never figured it out. If you have OFB you can make the holdiay roast as a single group meal (or many) and then serve it or sell it.
  4. krazzy kezzy

    krazzy kezzy foodlover

    i have tried deleting the fridge and getting a new one changing my type of fridge and i think i tried having two fridges but it still doesnt work. i dont quite understand what you mean when you say to make it as a single group meal? i do have OFB
  5. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Make Group Meal ... make One or make Many (Also see option for Make Single Plate ... make One or make Many)

    Intended for businesses to sell food, but just as useful for homes as food in sims' inventories doesn't go bad.
  6. krazzy kezzy

    krazzy kezzy foodlover

    o ok ill try that thanks

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