back from the dead

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by wootster, Apr 9, 2007.

  1. wootster

    wootster New Member

    back from the dead

    can you bring your sims back from the dead or are they dead forever when they die
  2. dangerousgem

    dangerousgem New Member

    If you have the university expansion then you can bring them back from the dead using the ressurect-o-nomitron, its one of the career rewards.
  3. wootster

    wootster New Member

    thanks is that the only way?? because i dont have uni

    LUKEYP New Member

    I tried pleading to the grim reaper for my sims life, fell on deaf ears though, that Grim doesn't mess around lol
  5. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    Your sim need to go to college, finish it, get a job in the paranormal career track, get to the top of it, use the career reward, the Resurrect O' Notion, when ol' Grimmy comes, pay him, like, the most amount of money if you want the real sim back. But I don't think however they will still have their memories. If you pay little, your sim that you wanted to resurrect, will be a zombie. Now i'm not saying pay the absolute least, (0-987) because Grimmy will get mad and take your money and leave,

    Ok: i stole this from another post, it might help.

    988 - 4127: Zombie, resurrected sim gets angry with caller
    4128 - 8512: Personality reversal
    8513 - 10000: Perfect resurrection, resurrected sim gets relationship boost with caller

    And, yes, you need Uni.

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