Greatest tearjerkers Basically, Sad movies!! My favourite ones are: 1.Pearl Harbor 2.Titanic 3.The Notebook 4.Forrest Gump I cried all the way through Pearl Harbor! And Forrest Gump is just so sad, when poor forrest loses jennie. And he's talking to her grave :'( You just wish you could hug him and help him. what are your favs?
Hate to admit it, but Disney's Dumbo does it to me EVERY time! First you cry 'cause they make fun of the little guy...then you cry when they lock up his mother...And you REALLY sob when she sings him that lullaby while she's locked up...and it just goes on from there! :weeping:
Oh, but Bambi REALLY makes me cry when he walks around calling for his mother after you hear the gunshots. :weeping: I took my two little kids to see that movie and all I could think about was the two of them left all alone in the world. *sniffing, reaches for a wad of tissue* I can't think about this anymore. *sniff* OK, I admit that Dumbo being rocked by his imprisoned mother was pretty intense, too.
[SIZE=-1]Edward Scissorhands is very sad too and i also cried the first time i saw The beuty and the Beast because i thougth that the monster was dead.. [/SIZE]
I hate watching movies designed to make me cry. I have never seen Steel Magnolias and never will if I can help it. It's one thing if it's a genuinely moving story. It's another if I can almost hear the director saying, Right, what can we do to really make 'em bawl. I hated Titanic. Oh, yeah, I cried with everyone else, but what a black and white portrayal of rich vs. poor. I'm not saying what happened to the poor people was OK with me but give me a break. Having money doesn't make you automatically evil. And what's with letting Leo die? If I was Rose I would have found room on that door. I hate chick flicks in general, which I know makes me a weird chick. I don't mind happy ones and even sat through both Miss Congenialities because I like Sandra Bullock. And I did enjoy Ya Ya Sisterhood somewhat. Like I said, Sandra Bullock fan. I even liked that movie where she and Nicole Kidman are supposed to be witches. Mostly, I loved their house. Must try to recreate in the sims one day. But if you really want to cry, here ya go: The Mission. I bawled for an hour after it was over. We did see a really great documentary last night called Murderball. I'm totally going to watch the Paraolympics if they show them on TV next year. Those wheelchair athletes are amazing. Not really a suitable movie if you're under 13 and your parents don't like you hearing about sex, but it's really good. It's a very frank movie about what it's like to have your neck broken. It's funny and sad and inspiring. Totally worth seeing.