What IS Plantism

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by newsim2owner, Apr 22, 2007.

  1. newsim2owner

    newsim2owner New Member

    What IS Plantism

    I've seen GREEN people in the screenshots and my friend told me that it was Plantism well one what is it exactly and two how do you become it and is a plant Baby related to it in anyway
  2. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    Try using the search portal before posting :)

    Anywhoo, a plant sim. A normal sim will transform into a plant sim when he/she overuses pesticides on a fruit-bearing tree, or plants.

    A plant baby is simply a baby that is spawned by the plant sim. Spawning will not have you go through pregnancy, it will just come like a normal baby, just without the wait. It will contain features of the Plantsim who spawned it, and not of any from the father. The father does not even show up as a relative to the baby on the family tree. But has options like Family kiss.

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