I keep meaning to thank you, Muffin, for updating the story contest thread. I didn't even notice that Josh had changed the length, so I'm really glad that you were watching out for it. I'm still working on my short story, just trying to play with the sim family so that I can get a couple of pictures. I guess it's taking me longer than I thought it would. But we still have about 3 weeks and a couple of days, thank goodness. I was looking forward to our 3-day weekend. But then found out we have a family get together for most of Sunday. *sigh*
No probs, Lynet. :biggrins: I've finnished my actual sotry now, it's the pics that need to get sorted and I keep going back and editing the story because I can't make my mind up. Hope that I'll be happy in the end. I can't wait to read all the stories later! Oh this is so much fun! :hyper:
*AHEM* Jazz. Take a look at the new update in the stories competition... The minimum of chapters has been changed to 10 chapters. :classic:
By active, do you mean stories that have been written after the contest was announced and are posted before June 15? I suspect they're all going to be posted the last week before June 15. I hope the Worldsims' servers can handle the rush.
If by ratings, you mean voting, that might conflict a little with general rule #8, which says that there will be no voting until after the June 15th deadline. If you mean rating a story by giving it gold stars (the rate thread option,) we might have little bitty problem there. I just went to my story The First Desire and gave Chapter 1 a five star rating all by myself. Just a test of the system!!! --although I do think it's a compelling first chapter which should have drawn an audience of thousands For voting, I was hoping we could set up a poll. Maybe some experienced poll setter-uppers could recommend the best way to handle that. Can we have the Awards Ceremony and Gala in the shoutbox? We'll have to mop the floors and hang streamers, maybe hire a band. Hey, Jazz, do you have a band?
A poll sounds great to me! But I was thinking that the winner(s) would be posted in the Short Story Contest announcement page in case the winners aren't online during the ceremony or miss it? But the actual ceremony and stuff would be great to have in the shouldbox!
I was joking around, Muffin, But you're right, the winners should be posted and toasted in the contest thread. And we can throw streamers around in the..uh...shouldbox? I should have a shouldbox at work.
I've made up my mind about the book contest: I'm going to enter!! I'm cooking up a story right now and I'll be posting it soon (I think). Not sure if it's going to be any good but oh well. It's the fun that I'll have writing it that counts. Woohay!