First off... I know you are new to this forum, but we all gotta learn this eventually. Try the search function, just type in "Vampires" (without quotes) in there, and you will probably get an estimated, fifty bajizzillion hits. SO! since you are new and probably dont want to slosh through those results. I'm just gonna tell ya. Second off... you need the Nightlife expantion pack to have a vampire. Anyway, go downtown, at night, just hang out there, maybe bowl, order some cereal, i dunno. Just wait for a female or male with their arm over their head, or in a slick tux or long dress, and they're pale. Those, would be the vampires. Oh yeah, and they have "count" in front of their name. (e.g. Count Harry Potter) or something or other. Become friends with them, do whatever it takes, until he/she bites you on the neck. You will then become a vampy. But you don't get "count" in front of your name. Life aint fair eh?
LMAO, Jazz. That was the best instruction on how to become a vampire that I've ever seen. The only thing I might add is that someone with a lot of influence points can influence the vampire to bite someone else. That was the only way I managed it the first time. An elderly woman influenced the vampire to bite her daughter, and then the daughter did the same for her.