A Thread Called: Scenes From "My" Game

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Mirelly, May 16, 2007.

  1. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    I've got a couple to share now!

    First off I'm playing this lot with jealousy off, messing with some cheats to allow more than 8 sims on the lot, and the last name is Mormon...you do the math. ;)

    4 pregnant wives gossiping together; one got tired and decided to lay her head on another's lap!

    First woman to give birth...someone get the hot towels...hopefully this doesn't send anyone else into labor!!!

    After everyone gave birth there was in order; 1 boy, 1 girl; twin boys, twin boys...11 people living on this lot now! Yikes! I set this up for a challenge for sure! They all have the last name too since I have a last name copier hack in my game that I can't for the life of me find on MTS2 anymore. No one is actually married to the "husband" though. Also; no one has a job. But I have a huge garden on the lot and a pond for fishing. Each of the wives have their own seperate bungalow on the lot with a shared kitchen, bathrooms, and living room.


    Two more pictures after playing tonight: All the moms and their toddlers. The moms behind the highchairs are also the individual moms of the toddler they are holding and the one in the chair in front of them. Those were the two set of male twins.

    And the actual commune they live on.
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    :rotfl: ... is just me or does that dad look a trifle depressed? (aka: "What was I thinking?")

    Shana, you are totally crazy! :p Well done, though for surviving the first stage. The toddler years are the worst, though. ;)
  3. Odinmoon

    Odinmoon Creator of organised mess

    :eek: Poor dad. You don't hate men ? Naa Lol I would not want to be him.:D
    Thats sooooo funny Rofllol
  4. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Wow, Shana! Interesting challenge! And of course if you get bored, you can always turn Jealousy back on! (Mwaaa-ha-ha-ha!)
  5. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Hehe; he's actually loving life. I have him with 0 neat points and only 2 nice points. The rest are all spread among outgoing, active, and playful. He's also a romance sim. In order to make this work the best I decided to not officially have him marry any of the women so he's liking having 4 live in lovers; and he can always take another on the side without any jealousy since jealousy is turned off! He randomly picks a female sim and gooses her all the time which is funny to me.

    The women all get along great and at this point are almost all best friends with each other. That works out well! They do all the cleaning, cooking and raising of the kids. I figured for it to be a realistic mormon society that the man shouldn't do any of the house work. I do plan on having him garden along with the women and I'm also building up his mechanical skill so if anything breaks he'll be the one to repair it. Mainly he just plays all day.

    The toddlers are all already potty trained, walking and talking. Helps to have 4 moms to do that! The two sets of twins were of course the hardest as I only let their own mother be the one to do the training. All the toddlers happily play away with their bunny for most of the day when they are awake anyway! The 6 kids all transtion within 3 days. The two singletons on the same day, one set of twins the 2nd, and one set of twins the 3rd day.

    Father: Elijah Mormon;
    Wives/kids: Jill (black hair)-mother of Josiah
    Maura (red hair)-mother of Ruth
    Tiffany (blond hair)-mother of twins Solomon and Judah
    and Nellie (brown hair)-mother of twins Issac and Abraham.

    Maybe I should write a story about them.......
  6. Odinmoon

    Odinmoon Creator of organised mess

    Hey you forgot Jacob.:eek: Every good Mormon family has a Jacob. :D
  7. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    LOL; I'll have to use that one next; plan is to get these kids all off to college and have another set!
  8. Odinmoon

    Odinmoon Creator of organised mess

    Hi where do I and how do I Merola's painting . I never heard of it :eek:
    Lynet can you tell me where i can get this.

    Regards Moon :)
  9. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

  10. Odinmoon

    Odinmoon Creator of organised mess

  11. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    I assume you have some kind of hack that lets you have more than 8 people . . . I had nine once and was worried my game might crash.

    Too funny, BTW. Good luck raising all those toddlers at once!
  12. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    No hack that "allows" me to have more than 8 people. I had to do some manipulation to get around it. I do have the teleporter bush which helps and the insiminator that I used for data purposes.

    First I had him fall in love all 4 woman and ask the first three to move in. He promptly got the 3 pregnant resulting in the 8 sims since one woman was carrying twins. Then I had the woman pregnant with twins-Tiffany (used the insim to find out how many each were carrying) and sent the 4th woman on a date with him, she moved in and got pregnant with twins as well; again bringing the number back to 8. Then I used the teleporter bush to summon Tiffany back onto the lot. Once she was on the lot I used the teleporter bush to move her in. Voila...11 sims on the lot.

    Got all that?

    If your computer can handle it, it won't crash. It's the same as having a party on a lot with 8 sims and 3 guests. The only thing that's screwy is the family loading picture as that can only accommodate 8 sims. So 3 of the toddlers are missing from the picture. That's okay though; they are all there when the lot is loaded.
  13. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    That's good information, thanks. I have had parties with as many as 40 sims so I assume my computer can handle it. Think I'll stick to eight, though! :D

    Looking forward to more pictures of your crazy overloaded lot.
  14. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    Do you know Rose Greenman? The Plant-lady in Riverblossom Hills?
    This is her, not plantsimish. Holy cow. I did not see it coming.

    1. her being Transformed into Normal Sim.
    2. Her as a normal sim.

    Attached Files:

  15. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Quick, change her back! LOL

    Meanwhile, in Yellow Rock, Tosha Go moved into Count Vandendranketenblud's mansion with the $9,000 she had saved. Unfortunately she had a thing for vampires and one thing led to another ...


    The Count, as we know, has ... erm ... a wide range of tastes and the local lounge-lizard happened by and, well fangs were sunk and while Tosha was in the cozy basement teaching new baby Tabitha to talk, Daddy Draco is upstairs with Sir Primpalot ...!



    Take that! And I don't know why the Count is cheering, he's next in line for some chin-tenderizing and a quickie divorce and before he knows what's what, Tosh will be so outa there with 25 K and the Toyota 4WD and a flask of Vamprocillin she's been hiding behind the cooking sherry in the top kitchen cabinet ....

  16. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    LOL; I don't think I like Tosha Go as a vamp...she just doesn't look right! I've always pictured her as a cheerleadering, happy go lucky kind of a girl!
  17. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Yeah, but when I saw she had an attraction for vampires, I had no choice ... honest. :p

    PS ... I forgot to mention that she and Tabi are comfortable in their new home and she is expecting Remington's baby ... :eek: ... she is engaged to him, but it'll probably never turn into marriage. Tabi invited daddy over so he could get his visitation rights and Tosha probably beat him up again ... actually she keeps losing, the wuss, but in my dreams she's chipping the crafty old fangster's jugular-openers down to size, one chip at a time ... :rolleyes:
  18. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    Try MTS2's Meriola Multipainting, that's where I downloaded it from and it worked fine for me. :)

    Shana, I saw your photos in the gallery first when I was uploading stuff and they made me laugh. 4 pregnant wives and a h*ll of a lot of kids! :rolleyes::eek: By the way, the house is really beautiful too.
  19. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    You haven't seen anything yet!!!!

    Update on the family. We've grown.

    Father: Elijah Mormon;
    Wives/kids: Jill (black hair)-mother of Josiah and baby Isaiah
    Maura (red hair)-mother of Ruth and twins Mordecai and Esther.
    Tiffany (blond hair)-mother of twins Solomon and Judah and daughter Miriam.
    and Nellie (brown hair)-mother of twins Issac and Abraham and expecting baby #3.

    No pictures of all the new babies yet; waiting for Nellie to give birth still and I'm too tired to wait it out tonight.

    Oh dear...is Tiffany sick???

    Hmm...guess not, it's going to be a full house!

    Josiah and Ruth (the two oldest) made a snowman together! Josiah started it and just happens to take after his dad in nice points...hehe.

    Father Elijah takes all his sons fishing where they talk about manly things such as spacemen and rockets!

    Mother Maura says; "Okay kids, follow along on page 42..."

    I'm still thinking I should develop this into a story; it's a crazy lot to play!
  20. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Oooo yes - A story would be a lot of fun, Shana! This is a natural situation for lots of plots and sub plots!

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