Phrases ... are a work of art. I love them! Which you might have noticed by my "Phrase of the week" in my signature. My favourite phrase at the moment is probably 'know your onions' (which means to be experienced in or knowledgeable about a subject, by the way). I seem to be having a bit of an obsession with onions lately. :knockedout: Do you know any funny phrases? Then post 'em here, I'd love to hear them. :goodvibes:
That's really beautiful, Vega! I'm sticking to the onions though.. Me and my onions, eh? Hah. Can I use that phrase as my "phrase of the week" some time in the near future, please? :innocent:
I love collecting family words and expressions. My mother's family had a phrase for describing an untidy house. "Len Pottles" was the local pawn broker and his shop was an untidy exuberance of household bric-a-brac, so if the hous was likened tto Len Pottles' then it was indeed a mess. MY mother-in-law had a fabulous word for garish. It was 'hoobazootic', as in where did you get that hoobazootic shirt? She had no idea where it came from, she just used it. On the other hand, if the person who thought that "easy as pie" was an apt expression for simplicity, had ever sampled MIL's cooking they would have come up with a different metaphor
Over here we have sentences like. "Thats a great bag of fruit." Meaning suit. "Lets have a Captain Cook" Meaning look. "Hit the frog and toe". Meaning go. And many others. regards moon
Down the apples and pears - stairs. I don't know any phrases, just dialect words such as "mardy", "packup" (packed lunch) and "woppie" (meaning wasp).
that is very funny we have lot of expressions too but they are in portuguese and if i translate them they will lost their meaning
I know a few phrases in Swedish as well but like Vega said: if I translating them they don't become as great. Heard a funny "phrase" - or whatever it is - from my dad today: "Don't postpone tomorrow something you can do the day after tomorrow" by Oscar Wilde I think. Definitely using that one as a "Phrase of the week"! (And don't worry, Vega, still haven't forgotten your star one.)
If we are adding wise and witty aphorisms to the list, I vote for Robert Heinlein's "Always budget the luxuries first." Meanhwile .... Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast. [Ace Rimmer ... What a guy!]
I'm loving all your phrases and aphorisms, guys! Keep 'em coming! Boy, am I in phrase heaven right now! *LOL*
Another phrase that i love, it's from Jostein Gaarder... There exists a world. In terms of probability, this borders on the impossible. It would have been far more likely if, by chance, there was nothing at all. Then, at least, no one would have begun asking why there was nothing. This one is for you Moon