I hope that if there is a Sims 3...

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by fuzzy_ferret_luver, May 20, 2007.

  1. fuzzy_ferret_luver

    fuzzy_ferret_luver New Member

    I hope that if there is a Sims 3...

    That the Sims will have more sense!! For instance, I had a phone up on the wall in the hallway. I got a new cat, so I put a food bowl underneath the phone without thinking. The phone rings, and I click on it for her to answer it. She walks up to it, then stomps her foot becuase apparantly, the food bowl is blocking it. Why can't she just reach over!? It really isn't that hard. Or if there are some people in the doorway, that they'd have the sense to move if one needs to get out. Geez...
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Yeah and walk towards each other, wave and then stop because they are blocking each other's path. :rolleyes:
  3. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    Or for pity's sakes if they have to go to the bathroom, just go without making such a big stink about it. If they have to stand in line, stand in line. We do it all the time.

    and if they're tired go to bed don't just drink coffee til they pass out in a puddle.
  4. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    this is sooo off-topic, but what does die of flies mean?
  5. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    So many flies ... so much filth ... croak. RIP :rolleyes:
  6. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    when you leave your spoiled food and dirty dishes or dropped garbage bags out flies come and increase and bring nasty stuff with them. Your sims get sick and meet grimmie.
  7. fuzzy_ferret_luver

    fuzzy_ferret_luver New Member

    You can use the boolprop cheat and kill someone with the Kill--> Death by Flies.
    I've done it before. A swarm of flies comes out and attacks them. It's quite funny :D
  8. Vega

    Vega New Member

    you know what would be really cool?The sims 3 online! we could go to internet and talk to the sims of our friends, and receive our friend's sims in our lots :) it would be great we could make partys with all the sims of worldsims people :rolleyes:

    i guess this is asking to much LOL
  9. krazzy kezzy

    krazzy kezzy foodlover

    as much as i want the game to be improved i kinda hope sims 3 doesnt come out because if it did then not many people will play the sims 2 and everyone will be ripped off and with all these improvements and things added to the game will be more space taken up on ur computer
  10. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    Lol Kez... if they operated on that theory then we'd still be playing TS1.
  11. Odinmoon

    Odinmoon Creator of organised mess

    Hey I played sims 1 for ages.lol :eek:ld: I waited till sims 2 came down in price.
    Some of us can't afford to buy the Sims and all the expansions.lol
    Then of course I would have to upgrade my Computer even though its only two years old. No I can wait for sims 3. lol
  12. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    That would be really cool actually! I'd like a game where you could choose if you want to play online or not because think about the people that want the game but don't have internet. Or people like Moony who don't get the game 'til it's old news (no offence :silly:) :winks:. It won't be very fun to have an old online game and nobody's online so that you have nobody to play with! :eek:

    ... And I'd really like the kids in TS3 to be able to make their own cereal. (I know I keep saying this but it really bugs me that they can't wake up in the morning and make some blooming cereal for themselves. I mean, it's not that hard is it?!?! :rolleyes:)

    But from what I've heard TS3 (otherwise known as Spore?) won't have any sim kids in it at all. :( (I mean actuall sim kids here, not monster youngins. :silly:)
  13. fuzzy_ferret_luver

    fuzzy_ferret_luver New Member

    Or here's another thing, if you go to praise a pet, that they don't walk around in circles trying to move around something, then eventually forget what they were doing in the first place...drives me insane. I usually have to click to "Praise" a pet more than once becuase the stupid Sim or pet just can't find the right position to stand...

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