Changing sims clothes

Discussion in 'Introductions Forums' started by devaughnrhys31, May 21, 2007.

  1. devaughnrhys31

    devaughnrhys31 New Member

    Changing sims clothes

    Hello everybody!!!! I am new to the sims world and LOVING IT!!! One thing is annoying me very much though, how do I get access to a wide selection of clothes for my sim to wear? There are loads available when I am creating a sim but I cannot select them when I play. I have tried and tried. HELP!
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Call a taxi and go to a community lot that sells clothes.

    Buy some clothes and come home.

    Make sure you have a wardrobe, armoire or dresser and click on it, Now you can change your sims' clothes (for what you have bought).
  3. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    oh yeah and, thank you for choosing Worldsims Airlines, we hope you enjoy your flight.

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