Favourite career track?

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by muffin-tacos, May 25, 2007.

  1. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    Favourite career track?

    Thought it would be nice to know what career tracks you like the most and why you like 'em. :listen::eyebrow:

    (NOTE: If the career track doesn't come from the original Sims 2 then pealse write which EP ads it so that it will be easier for people like me that don't have all the EPs to know what you're on about. Cheers! [​IMG])
  2. MegRen

    MegRen New Member

    I like Natural Science (came with Uni). You get the cowplant, and at the top of career, you only work 1 day. If someone is an Ecological Guru and gets pregnant, they get that fantastic salary for everyday they're on maternity leave, too, not just the one day a week thing. It's good if you need extra cash.
  3. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    My favourite is still the criminal track. The reward never ceases to make giggle when it shocks its users. Plus, as a person who tries to be law-abiding in real life, I love the idea of being a master criminal in fantasy ... and the (female) costume is way too cool. If I were a sim I'd definitely want to be a master criminal.
  4. sailorchiiavalon

    sailorchiiavalon Addicted to Sims 2!

    I really like the Education career (Seasons) because I am training to be a teacher and it's good to see how they've progressed the jobs in the game. It flows really well :D
  5. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    I quite like the Culinary career track in the game actually, I don't know why though. It's the most annoying track there is in the game for me because my sims either get fired half way through it or their job meter deosn't seem to move at all! It's really hard to get to the top and the career reward isn't that great in the end but I just love the outfits when your sim is a waiter/waitress. :)

    I like the Criminal track as well. I love that your sim is a burgler in the end and you can actually catch them robbing houses! (Who thought that the lovely, neat-freak Sally Sim would ever become a robber in the end? :eek: :rolleyes:)

    As for the Uni tracks, I haven't really tried them out so I don't know much about them.:eek: What Meg said seems interesting though. Maybe I should try that the next time I play? :classic:
  6. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    I like they acting career (Uni) because halfway through it, you get to dress up in a giant fries costume to shoot a commercial. How demeaning.

    "yeah, sorry Joe, your big fries head wont fit in the car, I guess im gonna have to tie you on the roof again"
  7. Cassiepeia

    Cassiepeia New Member

    LOL@Jazz...I love that too. That fries costume always cracks me up. Especially when the sim is usually a very dignified sim. Hehehehe!

    My favourite so far is probably the Eco career as well. Especially because of the pay and one day of work, but also because their uniform is just fig leaves in the right places to cover them up. Hahahahaha! And they fly to work, instead of taking carpool.

    I'm beginning to like all these new careers in Season though, perhaps only because they're new. I'm once again excited to find out what happens when they reach the top. :D

  8. Vega

    Vega New Member

    My favorite is Adventure, came with Seasons, because in the top of the career sims become space pirates :D it's really cool! I also like Science and Criminal.
    In my favorite family my sims worked in all careers so they could get all the rewars ;)
  9. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    I guess you could do that but if I ever want all the rewards I just use this cheat: unlockCareerRewards it's pretty cool. :) The only awards I've actually got without cheating where in the Criminal, Sports (dunno if it's actually called that?) and the Medecine track.
  10. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    The Eco track that Cass mentioned sounds really cool! Do you get it with Uni?

    I just realised why I hardly ever play the Uni career tracks.. It's because you have to send your sims to collage to choose them, don't you? Or is it me that's all muddled up?

    The careers in Seasons sound cool as well. :biggrin:
  11. Vega

    Vega New Member

    i don't like to use cheats :p the game it's much more funny without cheats, i like the chalenge :)
  12. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    I don't know why but my sims tend to be in the Science or Medical career tracks. I never use the criminal track - my simmies are pretty law abiding. :p

    I sometimes use the culinary track, and in the early days I often use the military track as it pays well.
  13. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    This is fun to do. I had a sim, I think his name was Lenny, got to the top of the athletic track, which was his lifetime goal, so when he worked his way up there, I found myself not knowing what for him to do, so I got every one of his skill points up, and since he had like 13 friends, from the atheletic track already, I made him keep switching jobs to get the rewards, and when I finished, I just put him right back in the athletic track and retired him.
    Then he met Bella Goth and they got married and she went into business and didnt get very far, then they had a son, (I forget his name) and then... I'm rambling again. Just...that was a really succesful family.
  14. Odinmoon

    Odinmoon Creator of organised mess

    My favorite is business and science careers.
    I like the helicopter coming to take my sim to work.
    With the science career I always manage to get everone sick with mystery diseases.lol. But now I got OFB and have a toy shop operated by a servo. What a lot of work. Im forever wishing for money in the wishing well from seasons. So now no one is employed. They just grow vegetables ,catch fish and make and sell toys. lol

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