SimCity 4 Help With Tolls Please!

Discussion in 'SimCity Legacy' started by MArine, Jun 21, 2007.

  1. MArine

    MArine New Member

    Help With Tolls Please!

    HEY.. I need help really badly. I have sim city 4 deluxe edition rush hour.. and when i go to put a toll i get this


    EVERY single time, and if i put it in a place thats not occupied, i cant because i cant place it.

    Can someone please tell me how to put tolls down or take a print screen of right before they put down a toll so i can see how the road has to be and such. Please. :( I need this to save my city, my city is only making about 500$ a month and it has 15,000 people already being taxes around 10% each. I need more money income, so i need the tolls. Please someone help. Thanks.
  2. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    The tolls won't help anyway, you have expanded your city too fast.

    Tolls can't be placed on a street, they take up two squares (for the roads at least), there must be a one square space on each side of the toll that cannot have an intersection.
  3. MArine

    MArine New Member

    i just tried that and its not working, can you take a print screen of how the road looks right before you place it? please..
  4. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    I could but I no longer have SC4 installed, try placing them on a long straight stretch of road.
  5. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Tolls are one-way affairs. You can plop them on avenues, highways and one way streets, but not ordianry roads and streets.
  6. Flameback777

    Flameback777 Josh's Servant Staff Member

    They can be placed on roads, just not streets.
  7. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

    In short: Try making a seperate area, where you have industry. Connect to the rest of the city by a avenue or something. The stretch should be about 4-5 tiles long. Do not build any zones on either side of that stretch of road and you should be fine. >I do that all the time and it works fine. If you have to areas with industry, then just build two roads like these and watch the money pour in

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