Lesbian love twins!

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Vampira_sim, Jun 24, 2007.

  1. Vampira_sim

    Vampira_sim Sexy_Sim

    Lesbian love twins!

    Samantha Ottomas gave birth to twins Zico and Charlotte in my version of Riverblossom Hills...but they turned out to have black hair...when Samantha is a blonde and Peter is brown...so I thought i'd look up the fraternity of the twins in the relationship pannel....PATRICIA WAN?! :eek:

    I wasn't aware sims could have sex changes....someone clue me in here...
  2. Chee-Z

    Chee-Z The Go-Kart Mozart

    It's a known glitch in Seasons. Everyone else who has plopped the Ottomas family into their neighborhoods before the patch has had the same problem too. It's almost a game to see whose twins they are...in my game it was Jaden Pederson's twins. In my brother's game, it was a random woman in Riverblossom.
  3. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Supposedly it was fixed in the patch ... but that's no help if the twins have already been born. In Penn Vale the unfortunate Mrs Ottomas had a serious mishap ... :eek:
  4. Vampira_sim

    Vampira_sim Sexy_Sim

    Thanks guys, it's no huge deal, just wondered if I was going mad!
  5. newsim2owner

    newsim2owner New Member

    In my game the babies were kids of a dog !YIKES!
  6. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    Now THAT's funny.

    I didn't have any Ottomas babies until after the patch. I hate that they're in every neighborhood. I get sick of seeing them around. I've been changing their appearance to help. They're like Goopy, Marsha, and the Ivys, but worse: those sims aren't in Veronaville but the darned Ottomases are. At least the other couple--Sanjay and his wife--is just the two of them. I changed them to punksters in Veronaville. :D

    I've had one set of twins, Bobby and Kayla, and they're Peter's. So the patch works. Trying to decide if I'm going to name them the same thing in every 'hood. (Just thought those names went well with David, Sharla, and Tommy.)

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