I'm back .. after 5000 years I hadn't logged on after so long because I was ill during my college break (yes I was ill for 2 months :() and classes just started, which I'm dreading because I have a lecturer which only teaches how we could use google.com when our subject is "operating systems", please shoot me I hope everyone is doing fine! I saw screenshots of the "Bon Voyage" ep and I'm excited, I'm not sure when it's released but I'm excited. Hopefully everyone is doing better than I am
Welcome back, Jess. Glad you've recovered. 2 months is a long time to be ill. A class on how to use Google? That's very strange. What happens if you google google?
If you google google, Lynet, millions of different googles over the world come up--and stuff like Google Maps, Google Sport (what the h*ll?? Google's a sport?), Google Groups and what not. Anyway, glad to have you back on board the ship, Jess. Hope you'll be stickin' around. Sorry to hear that you've been ill for so long. *hugs*
If you google google you open up a vortex and get sucked back in time. OK, I'm kidding but wouldn't that be cool?
I'll prolly ask my lecturer how to Google Goodle she'll prolly get pissed at me .. the last time she got mad at a classmate of mine, I could almost literally see a black cloud above her head, you could really feel the tension building up, we thought she was gonna murder him lol but thanks for all the welcome back, I think the longest Ive ever been Ill was 3 months down with chesty cough :(
ROFL!!! yes!!! That would be awesome!!! I think theres a sites just like google but its called Elgoog and everythings backwards. Coolio search engine.