How Do I Sims 2: Hermit Style

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Loutre, Aug 25, 2007.

  1. Loutre

    Loutre New Member

    Sims 2: Hermit Style

    I've played a lot the normal way (full families, neighborhoods, etc.) but I'd kind of like to try "Singleplayer" and just mess around with a house while still doing a normal income.

    I've removed friends-requirements from jobs before, but reinstalled and can't remember how to now. I don't know how to stop people (not service people like firemen, obviously) from ever coming to my house (even in an empty neighborhood) and I'd also like to know how to modify the Social need bar to always be at max, or at least raise much faster.

    Anyone know how to do any of these things? I'm sure it sounds terrible to some of you but I'm just kind of in the mood for it.
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Ooh ... shiny!

    I'll go looking for that one.

    What expansion packs do you have? This will be crucial because there are some cheats that will do social motives thing. Meanwhile ....

    Merola's multipainting is another good cheaty item for maintaining sims in a good mood.

    The inSIMenator hack object is another neat tool that does a lot of what you want.

    I'll go hunting when I have time and see what else I can find. But why not play a hermit without hacks and cheats ... much more fun and challenging. :p
  3. Loutre

    Loutre New Member

    As much as I like the challenge, I'd rather actually be able to go up the job chains somewhat :p
  4. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Um ... you still need to say what expansion packs (if any) you have.

    This is the only no friends hack I know of

    If you don't want any townies walking by and only one living sim then create a new neighborhood and use the cheat

    while in the Neighborhood view. When you move your hermit in, the game will pause for a short while each time a new service sim is needed (because it will be making one to order). You will soon have a paper sim and a mail sim. Eventually, depending how you play, you will also get fire, police, repoman etc. etc. But you will never see Goopy or Orlando, cos they'll all be gone.
  5. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

  6. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    Also the townies will not come in if you don't acknowledge them. They may read your newspaper but at least they fold it up when they're through. leave 3 newspapers on the lot and the newskid won't come anymore.
  7. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    Won't the Multipainting do that? I think it has one of those functions. Or maybe it's just me getting things all mixed up. :rolleyes:

    And oo, nice link Jazz. I like the sound of cheating my way up the careers! I think I might have a look at that one.
  8. Loutre

    Loutre New Member

    Sorry, I completely forgot about expansions. I have all of them installed.

    Thank you so much for the "No Friends Required For Careers" link, and the deleteAllCharacters cheat too. This is exactly what I was looking for. :D

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