And yet another...

Discussion in 'Introductions Forums' started by DarkestTide, Sep 6, 2007.

  1. DarkestTide

    DarkestTide New Member

    And yet another...

    New arrival!

    Hello! I've been lurking the last few days, reading up all the wonderful talent this site seems to possess! Wonderful, creative writing it never ceases to amaze me the original stories people can come up with ^_^

    Kudos to you all! I'll probably be lurking awhile yet before I do anything else but I'll fill you in on some details about myself.

    Place of Origin: Vermont. A pretty little state with not much to offer to anyone born outside of it beyond tourism ^_^.
    Line of Work: Lab Technician in a small cosmetics company. Yes it is interesting!
    Interests: Most of my interests are solitary habits. Reading, I like to dabble in writing but nothing nearly so serious as what you all have up here :) and of course the Sims! I've recently been introduced and become addicted to an MMORPG called World of Warcraft. If anyone else in here plays then my home server is Sentinels, a sometimes low sometimes medium (don't really know how that works but oh well) RP server. If you ever want to stop by and say hi then my characters are: Anardre (Night Elf priest), Eielene (Night Elf Druid) and Nystaina (Blood Elf Warlock)... Noticing a pattern yet :) I'm addicted to the elves.

    Anyway nice to meet you all and I'm sure I'll fit in just fine! Chiao!
  2. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    Hi DarkestTide, welcome to WorldSims! :D

    Ahhh Vermont - me and my fiance visited southern Vermont (and New Hampshire) in 2005 when we met up with a simschat friend. It really is beautiful there and I hope to return one day. :)

    Thanks for telling us something about yourself - often we have to duct tape new members and force it out of them, hehe j/k.

    Yes there are some really talented writers here at WorldSims and I envy them all. :eek: I'm glad you've read some of their stories - we recently held a short story contest and a summer literacy contest. Feel free to join in with any threads or create your own! We always like to hear about simming experiences, and feel free to join in the forum games/ chit-chat. :)
  3. Odinmoon

    Odinmoon Creator of organised mess

    Welcome Darkest Tide.:D
    This is a good place to be. I'm sometimes here more than playing Sims.:eek:

    Mmm Pattern eh. Apart from Elf, I can't see one. :D
  4. Jazz

    Jazz Vintage User

    Hye Tide whats up. You're gonna love it here, i'm drop dead serious. This place is awesome. So many incredibly friendly people, great story writers, (seen the library yet?) all sharing the same hobbies and interests. Sorry to say I don't play MMORPGs, much too busy with my music. Well, hope you have a great time here, if you have any questions that you don't think are worth starting a thread about, PM me or something. Or search the forums. Have fun buddy!
  5. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    Welcome, welcome! Glad to have you onboard!

    Oh yes the game that is highly addictive (besides from sims:( World of Warcraft. I love that game. Haven't got it myself though but my counsins do. Guess if I spend a lot of time at their house playing the game. :rolleyes: Haha.
  6. DarkestTide

    DarkestTide New Member

    Thank you all for such a warm welcome!

    ...what was that about duct tape? >.>

    Yes still learning my way around the site but I did find and quickly become addicted to the Library. :)

    Thanks again for the warm welcome! Glad to be here!
  7. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    Oh yes, the library... AKA the hook. Got some wonderful writers in there. :bigthumbsup:
  8. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Hey DarkestTide! Welcome!! (Love the name!)

    Glad you found us. This is a warm and welcoming site with lots of helpful, friendly, talented people. I'm sure you will enjoy it here! About that elf thing...I totally get that! It may not be really noticable, but if you look closely at the pictures I've posted of my sims, you will probably be able to spot a number of elvish looking faces and ears!

    Glad you found the Library. Please feel free to leave comments - it is what we authors live for!

    Anyway, hope you enjoy yor stay here!

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