How Do I a very wierd q.

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Aurelia, Sep 11, 2007.

  1. Aurelia

    Aurelia New Member

    a very wierd q.

    But maybie it's not so funny.
    You see, you all see in the preview at the start of the game - a adult women playing with a sack of clothes with a face on it. o_O*i don't remember, really* How can you activate this animation? I've seen it in many screenies, too.
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Nah, that's not a weird question (weird is an annoying exception to the i before e rule, BTW ;) ).

    There are various actions which occur when a sim's aspiration bar goes all the way down to the hardware dept. in the basement. Wealth sims will take a paper cup and go panhandling; popularity sims take a paper plate on a broom-stick as a friend, knowledge sims do something pretty amusing as well, though I can't remember what, offhand. But family sims will whip out a sack of flour and try to nurse it/go coochy-coochy-coo at it and generally make an embarrassing spectacle of themselves.

    So, if you haven't see your sims do that, then you're a pretty good player cos you have been looking after their needs pretty well. If your desperate to see it then I suggest using Merola's painting to flat-line a family sim's aspiration. :)
  3. Odinmoon

    Odinmoon Creator of organised mess

    Lol I was wondering about that sack of flower.:eek:
    I had a toy shop and an NPC came in with one. So stupid me goes looking in buy mode for an hour looking for it.:eek:
    I thought what a cool toy, I want one. :rolleyes:
  4. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    I think they take out a ball with a face on it wearing a graduation hat. Then they attempt to share their knowledge with the ball. I think it's called something funny like "Mr Boss" or something, but that might just be me... :rolleyes:
  5. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    :rotfl: OK who's got rhe dunce's cap? Moon needs it :p (I know what you mean ... I've spent dog's ages looking for stuff that wasn't there ... and looking for stuff that is there but not in the place I'm looking :rolleyes: .)
  6. fuzzy_ferret_luver

    fuzzy_ferret_luver New Member

    I always wondered that too! And I didn't know that different aspirations made different things. I've never had that happen, my sims are usually always in the green or above. Do their needs have to be down also? I think I once dropped the asp. of a Sim with Merola's painting once to see what would happen but he didn't do anything. Is it random when they do it?
  7. marinewife99

    marinewife99 New Member

    I've wondered why they kept doing that. My four Sim roomies are all about to fail college, and they all keep taking out the ball, I had no clue what it was or what was meant by it.
  8. muffin-tacos

    muffin-tacos Queen of Xeex

    Looks like Mr Boss is getting lots of friends in that household LOL. :rolleyes: :D

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