Please help...houses/sims are missing (Sims 2 PC) One day when I went to a neighborhood I made, I noticed that some of the houses I made were missing, some of the famlies were missing, and some famlies that I made and moved into a house were not moved into a house. I know that they were saved for a fact because I played in the houses many times, the photos I took from certain houses were even still in the neighborhood album, but I can't figure out why things are missing, can someone please help?
I'm afraid this is a small forum and the technical minded people aren't online all the time. I guess they have to eat and sleep. In the meantime, please check out the Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) section. Maybe you'll find the answer there, by searching a little, or least give some information about your computer that will be useful to them. Good luck.
*stops sweeping* oh, don't mind me, just doing a little housekeeping. I've merged a few posts in this thread. Just echoing what Lynet already said.
LOL ... I noticed the poster's efforts earlier and ignored them, because it was obvious he, she or it had only registered because they wanted [expected] some [psychic] help (the name was a giveaway) I figured I'd sweep up in the morning if no-one else could be bothered. It really is tedious always asking for system detail ... and as often as not we are presented with a gross dxdiag text file ... it's like: here's my bank statements from the last 12 months. Now you tell me why the taxman has demanded an extra 25 hundred buckeroos! Yeah, right after I enjoy myself playing the Sims on my lovely new computer. BRB Anyone else notice Maxoid Sam mixing it with the MATYers last night?
The only thing I can think of is that this could be the cause of a glitch or a bug.. Try downloading some patches off EA's site here. If that doesn't do it for you, then try posting some computer specifications here please. (See the FAQs that Lynet mentioned for more info on them.) Also, have you downloaded anything bad recently? I mean, of course, custom content for TS2 that could have caused this problem.
Bless you, muffin, but this thread was dying a decent death. I thought the the original poster had returned to make a mockery of my prognostications.