How Do I Toddler problem

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by maria87, Oct 11, 2007.

  1. maria87

    maria87 New Member

    Toddler problem


    I had a toddler that was really sleepy and I tried to have her mother put her in the crib and she couldn't, so she just put her down and she left. I tossed the crib and bought a new one and because the the toddler was ready to pass out, I put her in the crib with the moveobjects on cheat. And she just froze... I deleted her and exited the lot. Then when I went back in she acted as a newborn and nobody can interact with her, not even the nanny... I thought about letting the social worker come etc, but I have six children on the lot... Won't they remove all the children? What can I do?
  2. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Another member just had this problem as well. Check out this thread.
  3. maria87

    maria87 New Member

    Yes, I read this already, but the problem is that when I reentered the lot. nothing had changed... The father was holding her as if she was a baby and still nobody interacted with her...

    I shouldn't start a new thread though, I'm sorry...
  4. surprised_by_witches

    surprised_by_witches Sleep deprived

    For future reference, toddlers can pass out and sleep on the floor. I've had them do so with no ill effects. You can also get the toddler floor blanket from MTS2, which lets toddlers manage their own sleep.

    But this won't help you here. Sounds like you'll need a hack to age the toddler to a child, as mentioned in the other thread.

    OR, you could try moving the family to a new lot as long as none of them are failing at school. It could unstick the toddler. I had some sims that wouldn't get off the couch, once, and that solved it. (If you have NL buy them a car and take all students to school right away to avoid losing gradeage.)

    If your older sim kids are not doing well in school a move is inadvisable, however. That's how I lost all my kids to the social worker, once.
  5. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Can the father put her down or is he stuck as well? Once she's down does she lay on her back like babies do with no options?

    If so, then try what I said with downloading the insimenator.
  6. maria87

    maria87 New Member

    No, all the girls are A+ students!

    A couple of weeks ago I couldn't manage a family of 3 and now I'm playing the legacy challenge and until yesterday I had 2 children, 2 toddlers and 2 babies and I did fine... I'm just REALLY dissapointed at the 6th heir... His ancestors couldn't stop having boys and he went and had 6 girls!!! I had to kill the grandparents, move out his alien sister and the servo and now this happens!:mad:

    The father had already put her down and she's fine. I put her in the crib, I used a cheat, because they were taking to long. She had been trying for like 5 minutes...

    I think I'll try the insimenator before I move them out... I already did that once and I'm too bored to rebuild the house for the 1000000000th time... Could you please tell me where I can find it?
  7. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Yep; I posted a link in the other thread I directed you too. Also instructions on how to grow up the toddler once it happens. Here is a link to that direct post. Good luck, let us know if that works.
  8. k8mc

    k8mc luvvly jubbly

    i don't know if this helps but the social worker will only take away your other kids if they have REALLY bad grades so unless your other kids are failing, letting it take the baby might work. Since you can't interact with it i'm guessing you cant feed it anyway, so why not let the baby starve?
  9. jupitershana

    jupitershana Kitty Fanatic!

    Nope, if the social worker comes for one kid, she comes for them all. It's not a pick and choose sort of situation.
  10. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    As a small personal challenge, I once tried raising a baby without a crib, changing table etc. The toddler was pretty stinky by the time she grew into a child and could use a shower ... but apart from that the whole exercise was not nearly difficult to make it a serious challenge. The baby needed to be carried a lot more because it would tend to cry if left on the floor unless it was utterly exhausted. The toddler was no problem ... except that you have no control about where it will pass out ... :rolleyes:

    Using moveobjects to put babies in or out of cribs is a Very Bad Thing. The only possible cure is to use boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true and to shift click on the baby >> force error >> reset.
  11. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Apparently, Infants and Toddlers have no "comfort" needs that have to be met, so will not suffer any adverse affects from passing out on the floor. However, the adults tend to wander around, wringing there hands and worrying when this happens, which can be annoying!

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