Spore A small thought

Discussion in 'General Gaming Talk' started by Astrodog, Jan 16, 2006.

  1. MatchNL

    MatchNL New Member

    im not too keen on other people's stuff being put into my game. Honestly, it usually sucks or looks ridiculous.

    I think there should be an option to turn it off.

    On a side note, it brings the community together if we share similar experiences.... thus, it'd be more fun (i think) to have, at first, the same types of creatures we all face, so we can all compare and contrast our first creatures with that which Maxis placed in the game for us as a challenge.
  2. InvaderBlack

    InvaderBlack New Member

    Why would you say that? What makes you the master Spore creature artist? This game is supposed to make stuff look rediculous, it's more fun that way.

    That is a good idea, so people can share tactics and stuff, but maybe one player's creature can't handle the enemies like another's will be able to. That's why the enemies are determined by how you play.
  3. MatchNL

    MatchNL New Member

    I never said my stuff was the best, or anything.

    But I actually AM an artist and a graphics designer among other things.

    So I hate having 10 yr olds make all these lame-looking generic pieces of crap creatures and having them pollute my beautiful creations and fester.
  4. Gungnir

    Gungnir New Member

    Stop saying "My beautiful creations" if you haven't even made ONE creature yet. Once the game comes out and you can provide us with a screenshot of what your supposedly beautiful creature looks like, THEN we will tell you if it's beautiful or not. If it is, good for you. If it's not....then good for you.

    What's that saying..don't count your chickens before you get eggs? Or something like that..

    By the way...not all ten year olds make lame-looking generic pieces of crap. I'd worry more about 20 year olds making pieces of crap, because 10 year olds usually have MUCH crazier ideas, which in the case of spore, is a good thing.
  5. MatchNL

    MatchNL New Member

    hey, I'm being optimistic here. I have confidence in my artistic ability :)

    I just dont want my world populated with crap. Whether it's made by 20 yr olds, 10 yr olds, or 80 yr olds.

    Content filter is a must. I dont want my world populated with creatures walking around with some phallic-looking object on their head just because the creator somewhere thought it would be funny.
  6. Hazath

    Hazath New Member

    disconnect your internet then. Solution solved.
  7. Gungnir

    Gungnir New Member

    I think you mean problem solved..but whatever.

    You can always just block spore's access to the internet with a firewall, and I remember reading that users could flag conent as inappropriate, so you won't be seeing gigantic exaggerated genitals anytime soon. Although you could probably make them yourself and have em in your game that way, although I assume you wouldn't want that, judging from what you're talking about.
  8. InvaderBlack

    InvaderBlack New Member

    I see what you mean now, Match. Though, you probably won't be dealing with too many user created creatures until you start moving from planet to planet. When you do that you can just blow 'em up or leave. But, if you do see something on your planet during Creature, Tribal or Civ, gang up on 'em and kill every one you see. Maybe they'll go extinct, who knows?
  9. Mikao

    Mikao New Member

    From what I have read...

    1. Underwater creatures are a want at the moment. Will Wright has said that he would like to include this in the game. He also said however that if time gets cut short then this will be one of the first things to go. He said to expect it later on in an expansion pack.

    from an interview with Will Wright...

    With the next couple questions, he continues on to say that one of the things on the cusp of being cut out right now is the ability to have underwater creatures.

    Source: Spore Revolution

    2. About the whole "banning" creatures thing. I believe there is a sort of flag system about this... let me find the quotes.

    Source: Spong

    I do not know if that answers any questions. However I feel that this "flag" system may work better by just removing creatures you flag automatically. So you don't have to wait until so many people flag it to not see it anymore.
  10. creatures_crazy

    creatures_crazy New Member

    they said you can bookmark a friend, you can probably blacklist a player too so you don't get his creations.

    and it's confirmed there's an option to turn off downloading creatures.
  11. Sporn

    Sporn New Member

    What I want to know most is if there is a way to 'ban' a creature you just don't like. Lets face it, not everything others make is going to be something I want in my game and not everything I make will others want in their games.

    I prefer to have a choice as to what ends up in my game and what does not.Yes you do have a choice. You can ban the player so his/her creations dont end up in your game. Also, you can tag a creation you only THAT creation dosen't show up in your game. You can also bookmark players creations so their creations come up in your game more.
  12. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Maxoids have expressed there are ways of banning a particular creature, keyword, or even a creator from appearing.

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