Anyone seeing Will? At the GDC 2006, I mean. I really wanted to go, but my family won't let me, lol. :grumpy: So, if anyone sees him, please let us know what Mr Wright says, unless anyone knows if there will be a recording of his conference that'll be online somewhere? (I really hope there is...) Thanks.
I'm pretty sure only journalists may enter this show. I hope to see some new stuff as well. It may very well be possible that there will be a new video of the Sporetalks like last year.
Snooty's right, only journals can enter this GDC and they sign some kind of contract that they may not release any info that wasn't supposed to be released intentionally (no bumping into the developers rooms i guess). A very small portion of non-journalist and game developers may enter, mainly those who's got the contacts and the history...paying $500 should do the job. Heat