video interview on 1up EDIT: these videos arent all about spore, infact spore only takes up the last 10 minutes or so. still worth a look tho! when i read the news on the main page here at snooty i read it as theres a web article. I dont know if people know but 1up do a downloadable show: mms:// Thats a stream its in 320x180. It has some good footage of ingame spore. whats even better is that 1up bring this out in high quality for download too! thats 640x480! Spore looks great!!
Yeah, you can skip up until about 28:30 on the video before it starts talking about spore. I like how they changed the UFO's controls so the abduction game is more 2D, and seems easier. The buildings on it look great though, and you can actually form the planet. I strongly advise you to check it out, even if it means leaving the computer on overnight to download. :smile:
The UFO tool window is different from GDC 2005. It looks simpler now and more easy to control. Here's my conception of it: Terraforming: Volcano, Genesis Device, Add Water, Raise Land. Monolith: Warlike, Benevolent. Creatures: Abduction, Creature Editor. Combat: Explode Planet, City Bomb. Editors: Building Editor, Vehicle Editor.