types of creatures? hi i was just wondering will there be lots of diffrent creatures like: flying, swiming, land , or all of them in one
um.. All appendages for flying, walking, and swimming will be available for your creature creating pleasure. Also.. as far as 'wild' creatures are concerned, I am more than sure that there will be all types.
You can.. have flying creatures.. It was confirmed in one of Will's many videos. I think it was the interview with Gaming Steve.. not sure though.
In Willy's several videos as well, it shows creatures living underwater, on land, etc. I would think that depending on how you create them, they can be (made up word= :smile: )bienviornmental. I thought I saw flying in one of the videos, at least wings or something.
If a creature lives both in water and on land it is 'amphibious'. If it lives in the sky and on land, it is a called... a bird! If, however it lives in the water, and in the sky, it is called.... well, bi-environmental! lol :laughing2:
Thanks martun! I wasn't even thinking! But yes, I'm sure there will be many different types like AMPHIBIANS , Reptiles, Fish, Birds, Mammals, and Sporeos. :smile:
Actually.. creatures that live in water and air, will be able to live on land as well. Using logical deduction, if they can 'breathe' planitary liquid (Water on earth, but may be some other soup on another planet).. By which I mean they can extract life gas (oxygen on earth) out of the planitary liquid to respirate. And they can breathe atmospheric gas (depending on the planet's atmosphere, the gas will most likely be different from oxygen). Then they should be able to live on land, because they need some mode of transportation in the water.. be it fins or whatnot, which can be used as struts on land. So if you life in water, and can live in the air, you will live on land as well... Plus, Will confirmed that all flying species will be unable to have flying cities.. So your either going to based on land, or under water. so its more like amphibious or tri-environmental.
but if they could go into space, then is that quad-environmental? I'm done. :spin: Anyways, yes what you said firemaker makes pretty good sense to me! But maybe they really won't 'dwell' on land but it makes sense why they wouldn't be on land. Maybe they swim onto the land and 'mate' then they swim back to the water and go to land to walk around, they they fly to catch prey, then they dive from 1200+ feet into the water below carrying their prey. Just a thought.
I have yet to see a species that can breathe vaccum. Though.. I suppose it could be then considered a qua-environmental species.
That would be cool, and quite possible! I wonder, though, if this will actually be built into the game? (The slithering I mean, not the pulling off of legs! :laughing2: )
Slithering would be interesting.. There are alot of sci fi creatures that are slitherers.. that could be very cool ^_^ maybe we can make parasitie creatures? suck off of some other bigger creature.
sure, I don't see why not, but good luck with the tribal phsse..we should see some more hi-res creature art released soon, hopefull some that are completely different then the usual creatures with the tails above their head. :spin: