Spore Wildlife vs Civilizations

Discussion in 'General Gaming Talk' started by FR27, May 29, 2006.

  1. FR27

    FR27 New Member

    Wildlife vs Civilizations

    This isn't really a question, more of a "wouldn't it be cool if".

    Basically I hope that even in the civilization portion of the game the local wildlife will still be an issue. Such as if a world has a particularly hostile environment with monstrous creatures laying seige to your walls constantly. Or even, and I really would like this, if you could engineer some kind of bio-weapon like creature that just consumes and multiplies and let a pack of them loose upon an enemy world, letting them destroy everything and then die off.

    Just a thought. :spin:
  2. Martun

    Martun New Member

    I don't know about the 'Civ Stage', but in the 'Tribal Stage', I'm pretty sure that you will have to defend yourself from the wild animals that may hunt you! Not to mention the other "wild" versions of your own species.

    In regards to your creature spawning by 'Mitosis', I don't think it is possible with anything larger than a single-cell organism! Then again, it is just a game, so anything is possible, I guess! :shocked:
  3. FR27

    FR27 New Member

    Yeah I think I will find myself very satisfied in the tribal stage when I get to use my new 'high tech' stone weapons to take down the most horrible predators of my species. :smile:

    And to clarify, when I said they would multiply I didn't mean like a cell would, I mean in the kind of way that would make a rabbit blush. (as in they would breed like bunnies :laughing2: )

    Edit: Although if it was possible to create a creature that could just split itself like a cell it would probably make my 'bio-weapon' that much more fearsome. :devil:
  4. Martun

    Martun New Member

    I don't know how often you can breed... I'm pretty sure it's only when you have enough points to evolve, but there will obviously be more than just you running around... It would be interesting if there were different breeding patterns for different species.
  5. artistvrd

    artistvrd SporeMasterArti

    soudns like the human race in 100 years.....anyways, on a serious note, we still sort of fight 'wild' animals today, losing people everyday to crazy animals. But depending on the planet your creatures occupy, you might face different challenges against wildlife. Things like poisnous creatures, spiky creatures, etc. But like they were saying above, it will prbs be narrowed slim by the 'civilization phase'

  6. Martun

    Martun New Member

    This is true. A herd of charging elephants would definately do some damage, a pack of lions hunting humans, your pet cat catching an artery. It would be interesting, but by the 'Civ Stage' I'm sure you'll have more than just stone spears. Like in real life, you'd just shoot them. :indifferent:
  7. artistvrd

    artistvrd SporeMasterArti

    Great point Martun. It can be sad sometimes, sometimes though, it has to be done.
  8. FireMaker

    FireMaker New Member

    At one point, you will outgrow your surroundings, and be one of the big powers on the planet. So... you probably won't have to deal with wildlife anymore, but you will have other civilization level competition to worry about.
  9. artistvrd

    artistvrd SporeMasterArti

    agreed. As you get closer to occupying the entire planet you might encounter a species as advanced as you, and therefore war breaks out. Do you think you can control both's actions?
  10. FireMaker

    FireMaker New Member

    I doubt it. Maybe if you switch out of the game and switch onto the other race.. but I doubt that would be possible, what with the sheer magnitude of species and races that will bein the game.
  11. Martun

    Martun New Member

    It would be good if you could have AI advisers, kind of like Civilization. That way your cities automatically build what your city needs most. ie. more food processing plants, defence and offence capabilities etc.

    That way, if you are attacked by another race while out exploring another galaxy, you can be relatively assured that your species will be all but wiped out when you return.
  12. artistvrd

    artistvrd SporeMasterArti

    you have a good point, I'm also thinking it will be along the lines of that, maybe different, but that sounds about something Willy would do to it.
  13. Martun

    Martun New Member

    Ha! I was just thinking about a herd of seven-legged, herbivorous elephant-ducks casually waltzing through your city and eating your food supplies and there was nothing you could do about it! :laughing2:

    *sigh* :indifferent:
  14. FireMaker

    FireMaker New Member

    Couple problems with the ele-ducks... Walls.
    Aaaand tanks.
  15. artistvrd

    artistvrd SporeMasterArti

    You don't 'need' walls, but I like how you're thinking martun.
  16. FireMaker

    FireMaker New Member

    Walls good ^_^

    Keeps the ele-ducks out. Lol! Now I wanna see an ele-duck.
  17. artistvrd

    artistvrd SporeMasterArti

    all hail the ele-duck! :grouphug:
  18. Martun

    Martun New Member

    I'll make an Ele-Duck and make sure it uploads. Then you can come seach for it and download it! :smile:
  19. FireMaker

    FireMaker New Member


    Lets get some sketches done on the ele-duck, I wanna see what this suckers gonna look like :spin:
  20. artistvrd

    artistvrd SporeMasterArti

    Okay, new first thing when I buy teh game, screate my version of the ele-duck!!

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