Spore Will Spore Have a Negative Effect on the Sim Community?

Discussion in 'General Gaming Talk' started by Hazath, Jun 12, 2006.

  1. Hazath

    Hazath New Member

    Will Spore Have a Negative Effect on the Sim Community?

    I've been thinking, and while spore is amazing in concept; thousands of worlds, thousands of creatures, all simotaneously uploaded to my game, could this be an end of the sims community? At this point many of us have gathered to discuss our new favorite game, but once we start playing what use is there for us to reconvene? If my files are automaticly sent to you, you have no need to download my creature, and even asuming mine is fun and enjoyable to play, I am assured you will find so much more enjoyment out of your own creation. A large part of The Sims success was the community that developed. I personnaly stayed invloved in the Sims community for a while because there was new content being released, e.g The Sims Resource has 183654 Total Sims 2 Files and 88892 Total Sims 1 Files, Mod the Sims 2 has 909 downloads. Now, I know many people stay invloved for the story telling, but many people are like me, get content from our favorites, check some others out, visit a forum and see what's new and play some more. Spore seems to leave this type of player out of the loop. I particularly enjoy mod the sims because of the mods, not the content. The only changeable content I see maxis not supplying us with the power to edit, that would have to be modded, are the tools found in the tribal stage, and any additional appendages beyond the base set. However, I know that personally I don't have the knowledge to create new product, just creatures and vehicles. Perhaps its my own opinion, but I think part of the huge success of The Sims was the community that flourished because of it, I just don't see Spore picking itself up in that regard.
  2. FireMaker

    FireMaker New Member

    I'm sure there will still be a way to manually download things you want. And.. you will know who made whatever content is downloaded, I belive.. through a trading card system of some sort.

    There will always be ways for community to form and grow. Plus.. this is not another Sim game, its a new game entirely.
  3. Jakob

    Jakob New Member

    Will Wright said once, that you where able to bookmark players. Then the game would shearch that players content, put in your catalogue for use. If you can specifally decide what to download however, is uncertain.
  4. FireMaker

    FireMaker New Member

    Also.. the forum communities are here to stay, I think.. lol just look at this site.
  5. Hazath

    Hazath New Member

    A good point, but this is circumventing the way it is currently down. While this is convienient, and will doubtless be helpful, I do hope I can go, oh look! Jakob has a website, and there is his creature. Click, download, enjoy!

    Perhaps I stated it a bit to strongly, I do believe the forum communitis will stay, but under what purpose? Right now we speculate, discuss and tear each other opinion's apart, but once we have the game, what draws me to return...? Or, perhaps that's just the way I am. Sim sites are still flourishing, but I'm not on them.. Dumdadum.
  6. Jakob

    Jakob New Member

    We don't know enough about the game to tell how to do it. Surgetions are all we can offer Will Wright & co.

    What I would like to see is this:
    When you go on www.Jakob.com, you browse what I have created. There you see the Submarine, that is just so cool! You click on it, and now, it directs you to spores database. There you see the Submarine, and have the ability to browse all things I have created.

    I just link to my Spore Profil, you go there. Even better, if you bookmark me, you can choose to browse in-game. Best way I can think to do it.
  7. artistvrd

    artistvrd SporeMasterArti

    good concern, but no, i't won't have a negative effect, theres hundreds if not thousands of uniques every day at TSR in just The Sims 2, and I am pretty active in both forums, well, i try... But anyways, i think some simmers will be sporeos, some sporeos won't be simmers, and some will become both!

    Even The Sims 1 is still quite actively talked about, so we'll see
  8. InvaderBlack

    InvaderBlack New Member

    I've thought alot about this as well, but I also figured out a solution! If you've ever played The Movies, or gone to the website, you put your movies there and they get rated. Maybe there'd be something like that, where they'd have something like the most bookmarked player, the most destroyed creature, the highest rated creature etc. Y'know, something like that would deffinately be cool.
  9. MatchNL

    MatchNL New Member

    Just because Will Wright made it, doesnt mean it is part of the "Sim Community"

    Get that part straight.

    It's a game, where you can make anything you want.... and you're complaining about mods? Gimme a break.

    Im sure there will be potential ways to edit planetary weather, surface textures, etc. I doubt people will be scripting for it unless they're fluent in procedural programming.
  10. InvaderBlack

    InvaderBlack New Member

    Well, the people who are making it are calling it "SimEverything" or "SimUniverse". That was even on the poster Will Wright put up during an E3 thing I think. And besides, you shouldn't start getting antsy at people for saying it'll have a negative effect on the Sim Community. Spore could have a negative affect on first person shooters, and it isn't part of the first person shooter genre (as far as we know...). And because WW made it, it will either be part of the Sim Community, or it will be considered as such by everyone.
  11. MatchNL

    MatchNL New Member

    In reality, if it's going to be such a good game, then it's probably going to have a "negative impact" on ALL other games ;)

    Sales-wise, i mean. Hahaha
  12. InvaderBlack

    InvaderBlack New Member

    Of course, of course. The sales for every other game will be dead zero for, like, a week or something.

    (I'm kidding, just so everyone knows.)

    (That would be something, though, if it actually happened...)
  13. EvyLily

    EvyLily New Member

    Actually, I've played Sims and all that, and I've talked to alot of Sims 2 players and such, and, well. They actually DON'T like the idea of Spore, and say they won't buy it. They like their Sims and thats that.
    :confused: Weirdo's.

    But I think to some extent,yeah, and AWESOME game like this is going to have at least a minor impact on other games.
  14. FreakAboutSpore

    FreakAboutSpore New Member

    Now I am new here, and I am a big Sims 2 and Sims fan. But I even know when a new game looks promising. I cannot wait for Spore. I mostly want to create Sims on the game and simulte the evolution of man. Eather that or create new and strange creatures. The editor looks awesome. I always make strange creatures in Paint trying to save my wait for this game.

    The Space Game looks incredible. I watched Will Wright's speech at E3 or whatever. From the sounds of it, the etire Spore Galaxy is a community. That thing is going to get so filled with probably all player's content in their game. He also said that the UFO was going to be editable. Do you think I could create the Starship Enterprise? It is cool how he used Star Trek as examples.

    Indeed it is awmazing how life could start as the smallest living creatures and grow and evolute into a creature that is exploring the universe. But what can I say. I want the game :bouncy:
  15. cogo

    cogo New Member

    I'm sure Spore will spur lots of interesting community involvement, but at a different level than The Sims. Personally I'm content with the notion that I don't have to hunt down content all over the web anymore. In some way that took over the actual game.

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