males/females can they look differnt I'm not sure if this has been posted before but will you be able to make the males and females look differnt from each other. or biger and smaller like some animals in real life? :spin: because it would be interesting if u could.
I think that in the game there will be no differences between the look of a male creature and a female creature. Attitude on the other hand I think will be the real sperator between them both. The males in one species might be aggresive and defensive while the females are caring of the young...And in another the females might be aggresive (more than the males) to defend her eggs while the males eat and sleep. that's the beauty of it. Maybe also some difference in cry of the species. That's one we're not too sure of yet, keep that question in mind.
could be creapy it could be creepy if u make them all look the same if the al look like males ,Imagen your parents coming in to see your new game and have two dues doing it i mean if your into that buy all means but what will your parents think??? parents will be :shocked: :angry:
Just control your parents. Tell them to get out of the room or you are going to blow there heads off. :smile:
as far as I can tell.. I think reproduction is between two non-gender members of the species. As in.. theres one gender but they do not reproduce through asexual means.
nope and fungi reproduce though fragmenting. they break of fa piece of them selves and it flys througe the air and then land some where when it comes in contact with a food source it will start to grow. Or the use spores ther just like seeds. yeast bud so so most single animals like the hydra(not the multi headed snake) a under water animal it like a small enename. Just because i know this does not make me a NERD!! :bouncy:
He (firemaker) means they neither bud nor fragment. Bud, which implies splitting of one to create two identical is not supported by the videos. Fragmenting, which implies a small part of one leaving the host to become an identical new organism is also not supported. Rather, Thing A of Gender X will meet Thing B of Gender X and reproduce. To get technical, but Thing A and Thing B will have two sets of reproductive organs (one male and one female) and will use one or the either. However, on the next encounter the same creature could use the opposite set of organs. Thus, no creature has a specific gender, as each has both organs, but are not asexual, as that implies reproductions through means by oneself. Do you follow?