Spore United Federation of Planets?

Discussion in 'General Gaming Talk' started by FreakAboutSpore, Jan 25, 2007.

  1. FreakAboutSpore

    FreakAboutSpore New Member

    United Federation of Planets?

    Now I have always wondered this, mostly about the Space game. Is it possible to form a United Federation of Planets like on Star Trek. Where you give your ships commands and quest to make your own sci-fi story? Would you even be able to recreated the planets from Star Trek. And the federation?

    Because I would really love to do with my species, which are going to be sims. As I always wanted to simulate the evolution of man with this game.
  2. artistvrd

    artistvrd SporeMasterArti

    I think so. I don't think officially, no. But of course you can with your imagination! There were a few videos with the starship actually being a star trek shape, literally.

    So, just create the planets, conquer them, etc. Or get other people who created sims as well to join you :laughing2:

    sounds like fun!

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