Troubleshooting long loading/freezing/lagging

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by jaxta101, Nov 21, 2007.

  1. jaxta101

    jaxta101 New Member

    long loading/freezing/lagging

    I just recently got my Sims 2 game on pc and installed it, I noticed while I was going through the logo such as the EA logo and the clips of sims jumping around it appeared to be lagging heaps, once I finally got to the main menu and clicked on the neighbourhood box it brought me to a loading screen where I waited 30 mins for the game to load but still nothing happened?? the cursor indictated it was loading because it was spinning but Im not sure if in the background theres supposed to be those boxes that highlight and fade?, well it just froze on two boxes and nothing else would happen....I have no idea wats going on..and yeh my computer has everything over the minimum requirements

    If anyone has any advice or tips they could give me to troubleshoot this problem that would be great thanx :)
  2. Leticron

    Leticron New Member

    Sorry...without any more specific info about your system/hardware, I can only speculate.
    The behavior you described usually occurs with lack of physical memory (RAM) and/or too much CustomContent, or too much stuff running in the background.

  3. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

    I have the excact same problem. I have played with the game since it came out, I have NL, OFB and UNi and never had any problems running the game. Then suddenly one day, it just froze. And it was by the seventh box, if you will, and then nothing. I too tried to give it some time, but nothing. The little light on my pc that indicates that its thinking, just stopped.

    I did get a response to my thread - find it one or two posts underneath this one - but since then, nothing. I too have all the requirements, but no one can tell me, that it just decides to not work, because my RAM are to low. It has to be more than that. I have never experienced anything wrong with the game. It worked perfect at say 1 p.m., but not at 1.30 p.m.

    So I agree: help needed!:)
  4. Leticron

    Leticron New Member

    Help needed but still no useful information provided :banghead: :banghead:'s that supposed to work???
    Unfortunately my crystal ball is at the polisher.
    So just think about hard what you did to/at your computer between 1.00pm and 1:30pm that might have caused this outcome
    There lies the key

  5. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

    If you bothered reading my post all the way, you would see, that the information I had to deliver, is posted on the thread I talked about. I dont need to think hard about what I did to the computer in that period of time, because it was off. Simple as that.
    The information I provided here, is the same info I provided NVIDIA. They suggested I updated my graphics card and drivers - so did the member who responded to my problem - but to no avail. I suspect the problem is a minor scratch on the disc itself, I just cant see any.

    The information about my computer is posted on another thread, but here it is again:
    I have Microsoft Windows XP Home(5.1 build 2600)
    Processor is a AMD Athlon XP 2400+, MMX, 3DNow,~2.0 GH
    Memory 352 MB Ram(never been a problem)
    Direct X version 9.0c (4.09.0000.0904)
    I have a GeForce4 MX Integrated GPU
    Approx. Memory 32 MB
    Driver: NV4_disp.dll
    version: 6.13.0010.4114 (english)
    Date: 10.03.2003.

    I ran a diagnostic on the directdraw and the Direct3D. Nothing wrong. I installed the newest version of DirectX and also the suggested version of the update for my graphics card/driver-thingy. Still nothing happens
  6. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    My fault, Jake. I was unable to get that page to load for me, the other day and after a while it dropped off my radar. With only 352MB of RAM that is your problem. You need a lot more. And I repeat my earlier advice: a scratched disc will not cause the problem you describe.
  7. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

    Mirelly, I completely understand your post and that you had trouble getting online. I am also sorry if my other post was seemed as a desperate cry, but the whole issue about the RAM is just not making sense to me.

    I have played the game as it is now, for over 3 years. I have installed NL, UNI and OFB and no problems whatsoever. The game was running perfect with only 256 MB. Then in may I think it was, I decided to get some more RAMs and bought another 128 MB, so the total is now 384 MB. And the game ran even better. I have downloaded some stuff, yes, but also deleted a lot more, so that is why I couldnt understand that RAM was the issue.

    Furthermore I found it strange that the stuff I downloaded, was several months ago, and after that I have had one of those disc-cleaning programs on and I have deleted several older games, so that it suddenly worked at hour XX, but hour YY, was just so darned strange.

    But ok, I guess I need to buy some more RAMs. Thanks Mirelly! You saved me again
  8. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Hm ... further to the above. Have you tried perfoming a complete defrag of your hard drive. Also make sure that you have a minimum of around 15-25% of the hard disc as free space. The smaller the total hard disc the higher the percentage of free space you should aim to keep (eg on 20 GB drive I would keep 25% -- 5GB unused). The free space is essential for the operation of Windows programs and TS2 is a Windows based program.

    If that doesn't fix things then it may just be that you really just need to perform a complete reinstall.

    Of course, more RAM, would always be good and it should it be dirt cheap with the dollar heading south at terminal velocity. :rolleyes:
  9. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

    I will do a complete defragmentation tomorrow(saturday) and see where it takes me. Otherwise its more RAMs. As to the space on the harddrive, I have 15 GB of free space, so that isnt an issue. But I think you might be right, that I need RAM.
  10. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Here's a question. Where is the game being installed for all of you? What's the directory of installation for The Sims 2?
  11. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

    Josh, you mean which folder or subfolder?
    I have all my vital programs on C-drive and all my games on D-drive. Always has. I created seperate folders under EA Games for each game, so I have one for the game itself, and one for each EP. It has worked fine so far. But like I said, Ill rnu a defrag today and see what happens
  12. Jakethedane

    Jakethedane Man of the world

    defrag done and I bought addtional 512 MB of rams. Still it shuts down at the excact same point. I ran PC Wizard to see, if I have access to all the 896 MB of rams, and I have.

    Sims 2 out the window. Im done.
  13. 13thheaven

    13thheaven New Member

    hey, i have the same problem with u...
    all seems working normal...
    but since i downloaded the custom items, i only can get vacation to the place that i have gone before... (same thing to the downtown area)
    it finished loading (ex : twikii beach), but it won't get to the play screen, it just stopped working with the "busy" icon running...

    can you give me a suggestion?

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