Leopard v. Sims 2 Expansions

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by 0kitten0, Nov 24, 2007.

  1. 0kitten0

    0kitten0 New Member

    Leopard v. Sims 2 Expansions

    For one reason or another, Leopard didn't want to install on my iBook G4 so I completely wiped the hard drive and started over with everything clean and fresh.
    So Leopard is pretty.
    I installed Sims 2 with Nightlife, University, OFB, Pets & Seasons. Nightlife and University won't install. Even when starting over from scratch.
    I re-re-installed Sims 2, then University. When I tried running Sims from the University CD, it said I had to reinstall Sims 2. Same mess with Nightlife. The darn things just won't work!
    OFB, Pets and Seasons are fine and run as they always have. I haven't tried Family Fun, Glamour or Holiday packs yet, though.

    The patch from MacGameFiles is NOT compatible with Leopard, either. I already tried!

    Any thoughts? Anyone else having similar issues?

    - 0kitten0

    P.S. = Custom content is fine unless, of course, the mesh is based on an object from one of the expansion packs I can't run! :p
  2. Mirelly

    Mirelly Active Member

    Um ... I'm not a Mac user, but you don't need the expansion disc after you have you have installed a later expansion.

    Are you saying that you can't get University of Nightlife to install?
  3. 0kitten0

    0kitten0 New Member

    'Tis correct... Nightlife and University don't seem to want to install.

  4. millst3

    millst3 New Member

    Sims 2 problems with Leopard

    I am having problems with Sims2 and my new Macbook/Leopard. Sims 2 worked fine until I tried to install Univ. Now, Sims 2 won't run and I get a message that says I don't have enough disc space and Univ. says my processor is too slow. Neither of which are true. I have 102gb of space and a processing speed much faster than what is needed. Any suggestions?
  5. 0kitten0

    0kitten0 New Member

    Seems like you & I are having the same issues with Leopard - do you have anything else that won't install? Did Nightlife install on yours? I assume Open for Business & Pets are doing all right?

    - !
  6. Angelfish

    Angelfish New Member


    I'm having exactly the same problem as you guys. I bought a new MacBook a couple of weeks ago with Leopard, installed Sims 2, no problems, came to installing University Expansion Pack and I get the same messages. Not enough this, not enough that. Thing is, it installs fine right up to then end, then it decides to tell me I supposedly don't have what I need :confused: I tried to just ignore it and play anyway, but it wont even let me try and play :(
  7. 0kitten0

    0kitten0 New Member

    * Problem Solved!!! *

    I did some Internet searching and came across the best thread! I followed the instructions verbatum and I now have everything back - University, Nightlife... everything works just as it did!
    The key is to (re)install Sims 2 to the APPLICATIONS folder, NOT THE HD.
    I've pasted the uber-helpful thread with the credited link below:

    "Hi everyone. Just got a brand new MacBook (wheee!!!!) and it came with Leopard. I had no trouble moving over the Sims2, but once I tried installing the Happy Holiday stuff pack, things got ugly. I had to contact Aspyr, and they were VERY helpful for me, though it took a couple of days. I'm going to cut and paste their comments here in the hopes that it will help someone else. For the record, after following their instructions, everything is working beautifully. The key to fixing my problem was reinstalling to the APPLICATIONS folder instead of the HD.

    Thank you for contacting us.
    I am afraid that reinstalling your games may be your only option.
    There are things that can go wrong when installing these games to Mac OS X Leopard.
    When these things go wrong, the only option is to reinstall.

    You will be able to reinstall the game without losing your saved games.

    Follow these instructions to ensure future functionality of your game.

    1. Start by removing any Sims DVDs from the drive
    2. Drag The Sims 2 application folder from your Hard Drive to the trash
    3. Drag The EA Games folder from the Documents folder to the trash <<==========*****This is the location of your saved games.*******
    Do not throw this away if you want your saved games.
    4. Drag the EA Games folder from the Users/Shared folder to the trash
    5. Go to Home/Library/Preferences and drag to the trash the following files com.aspyr.thesims2.plist, com.aspyr.thesims2bodyshop.plist, com.aspyr.packageinstaller.plist (you might not have all of these files)
    6. Empty the Trash
    7. Do a search of the computer for The Sims 2 as well as EA Games and trash all Sims 2 files (remember to empty the Trash)
    8. Launch the program called Disk Utility from the Application\Utilities folders
    9. Select your main Hard Drive and run Repair Disk Permissions (this will insure your Mac is running at its best)
    10. When this is done close all windows
    11. Insert The Sims 2 DVD
    12. Open the Sims 2 DVD and drag The Sims 2 folder to your Applications folder.
    13. This will take some time to copy over
    14. When the files have finished copying open the HD and the Sims folder and launch The Sims 2 Application
    15. Close down the game
    16. Download and install the Sims 2 1.0 Rev F patch
    17. Launch the game
    18. Close the game
    (19-22 only applies if you have University)
    19. Insert the next expansion DVD University
    20. Run the Expansion installer
    21. Launch the game
    22. Close the game
    (23-26 only applies if you have Nightlife)
    23. Insert the next expansion DVD Nightlife
    24. Run the Expansion installer
    25. Launch the game
    26. Close the game
    (27-30 only applies if you have Open for Business)
    27. Insert the next expansion DVD Open for Business
    28. Run the Expansion installer
    29. Launch the game
    30. Close the game
    (31-38 only applies if you have Pets)
    31. Insert the Pets DVD
    32. Run the Pets installer
    33. Launch the game
    34. Close the game
    35. Download The Sims 2 Pets 1.6 Rev A patch
    36. Run the Pets Patch Installer
    37. Launch the game
    38. Close the game
    (39-42 only applies if you have Family Fun Stuff Pack)
    39. Insert the Family Fun Stuff Pack DVD
    40. Run the Family Fun Stuff Installer
    41. Launch the game
    42. Close the game
    (43-46 only applies if you have Glamour Life Stuff Pack)
    43. Insert the Glamour Life Stuff Pack DVD
    44. Run the Glamour Life Installer
    45. Launch the game
    46. Close the game

    Oh, I had one other problem, I was getting an error message saying the game requires at least a 500mhz processor and may not run properly, which was laughable, since I have a 2.2Ghz processor. This is what Aspyr had to say about that:

    Are you installing the game the Applications folder? The 500MHz processor error is only because you have an older version of the game and new Mac you can just by pass it and keep going. When you donwload the Rev F patch drag the installer onto the desktop from the DMG then run it. If the patch takes you will not get the 500Mhz error again.

    And once I realized I had missed the part of the original instructions that said to install to the Applications folder and admitted that to them, they sent this, which had another bit of useful info:

    As per the instructions you must install The Sims 2 the the Applciations folder on OS X Leopard 10.5.1. This the only way you will be able to installt he patches or the expansions. Also when you get to Happy Holiday Stuff you will need to drag the installer from the DVD to the desktop to get it to work. These are some of the quirks of OS S Leopard.

    As I said, I hope this helps someone else. My apologies if someone else has posted this info elsewhere, I couldn't find it."

    [scroll down for Heather_6]

    - 0kitten0
  8. Sacharissa

    Sacharissa New Member

    Wow! Thanks for the info, Kitten! Now I'll be ready when I get my new Mac! Unfortunately, this means I'm gonna have to clear out my Downloads folder since moving the game back to the Applications Folder means I can't use recolors with CEP anymore. Darn!

    By the way, those of you playing on MacBooks...are those just the regular MacBooks? Or MacBook Pros? If just the MacBooks...how are they working out for you in playing the game?
  9. graphifreddo

    graphifreddo New Member

    thanks so much

    It works very well on my mac intel core 2 duo. I love you so much. What can I do to show it? lol. kiss
  10. graphifreddo

    graphifreddo New Member

    I wanted to say thank you for the researches you've made to fix all the problem on Leopard. Today everything is working very well, so thanks to Okkiten0

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