PCGamerUK Breaks the Silence! Article scans of The Sims 3 have surfaced on the net. You can see the entire scanned pages below.
:rotfl: Tell Will Wright that Britland has got its own back on the US for wrecking HRH Prince Harry's jolly in Helmand Province with an internet spoiler alerting those naughty Taleban men to his presence 'in country'. Lord how I laughed at all the shocking sexual innuendo in that article. TS3 is looking like a hit though.
I really like the look of the chubby lady in pic 4. I've always found it slightly irritating that the women that were just a little rounder than the stick thin sims were being called fat in TS2. Seriously, the so called "fat" teenager in TS2 is SKINNY! It's always bugged me that my "fat" sims have really thin faces too. I'm not sure what I think about the face graphics from what I saw in those pictures. They look a little... strange. The skin doesn't seem worth celebrating either. But I hope the skin creators (Enayla, you going to make your gorgeous skins for TS3 too? ) can make them look prettier. I'm going to download these pictures and zoom in on them in Photoshop to try to read the text.
You can see the pictures properly if you click on the attachments then click the thumbnail that comes up. It opens in a new window and you can zoom in That obese lady was scary. I dread to think what her kids are like lol.
LOL... it was very realistic that feature, wasn't it? But I still liked it. I can't zoom in when I click on the thumbnails. But the text was pretty unrelated to the pictures and, in my opinion, wasn't worth the read. I was skim reading through the whole thing though and... uh... I tend to miss certain things when I skim read.
Looks very interesting. At least the Devs are taking the evolution of The Sims franchise seriously. I'll be watching to see how this development goes.
humorous article. i loved it. oh, how i dreamt of having "seamless" neighborhoods... how i've always dreaded that everlasting load screens... sims 3, to be quite honest, seems, well, perfect. so much options, so little time... and EA hasn't even released full info about sims 3 yet, and i'm already THIS excited. oh my, i might have a heart attack just thinking about all the possibilities. i must admit, though, the sims look kinda strange... but creative sims fans are sure to create stunning custom creations!