Troubleshooting Newbie needs major help!!!!

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Gir7000, May 31, 2008.

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  1. Gir7000

    Gir7000 New Member

    Newbie needs major help!!!!

    Hi everyone! Im having an issues loading and playing expansion packs and Im hoping someone out there can help me. Between myself and my three friends we have all the expansion packs. I finished loading Seasons, University, and Free time with no issues. Because I am the owner of the pets game I planned to install that game last so I could use the disk to play but after I installed pets the system tells me Im using the wrong disk and to use Free time instead. Do I need to get a new game and if so does it have to be newer then Free time?
  2. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    Hi Gir7000, of the EPs installed you need the most recently released game disc to play, so in your case, FreeTime.

    HOWEVER what you've just described is software piracy: sharing EPs is illegal.

    A game/EP must only be installed on ONE computer. If your friends want to play, they should buy the games too.

    I'm sorry but no-one here will help you with any problems due to game sharing.
  3. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    Agree, you'll just have to break down and buy your own copy......:cry:
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