Is this a rumor or is it for real

Discussion in 'The Sims 2' started by Ruthie_Faye, Jun 16, 2008.

  1. Ruthie_Faye

    Ruthie_Faye New Member

    Is this a rumor or is it for real

    I was just over at More Awesome Then You lurking don't have an account. Anyway I came upon this in a thread talking about how SecuRom behaves on a non internet computer:

    "When the version of secuROM or DRM or whatever it is that's on Mass Effect now hits the sims, whether that's with Apartment Life or whatever comes next or not until sims3, you won't be able to activate the game on a computer without a net connect so you won't be able to play at all. The plastic wrapper for Mass Effect has a sticker on it that says 'requires a net connection to play' or some similar wording."

    Someone name Sagana posted this information.,12186.0.html

    I was wondering if any one else has heard about this? If this is the case I won't be able to get TS3 and possibly not even apartment life. :eek:::)mad:

  2. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    A lot of us are uncertain whether this policy will go into effect for Sims 3, or Apartment life for that matter, however we are certain this policy goes into effect for Mass Effect and Spore.

    Plus from what my digging around indicates, I don't see it listed that Mass Effect requires internet. I of course could be totally wrong.
  3. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    Sounds kind of like Valve's set-up with Steam. If you don't have dsl don't bother with getting any of their games ( half-life 2,portal, etc.)
    If you were on dial-up then it would take forever to update Steam and then any of the games too!
  4. Ruthie_Faye

    Ruthie_Faye New Member

    If they are going to make it to where you have to have an internet connection to use the game I think they are going to loose sales. They will most likely loose a sale to me! If I have to choose between putting gas in my car or food in my children's mouths and a video game, well then the video game is going to loose out. With my boys getting up in age I'm even more hesitant to have the internet at home because of all the trash on it and how easy it is to find something you're not looking for if you get my meaning. It should be my choice not some game company's! Besides if I have an illegal copy of the game I wouldn't be stupid enough to have it on a computer with the internet anyway.

    I love the Sims games but it's mess like this that is causing that love to grow cold. I think with TS3 they are going to try to either take a bite out of the free download sites or not allow them to exist. That way the only avenue for us to get new stuff for our game is through the TS3 store. I don't like being nickel and dimed and I don't like having people invade my home by telling me I have to have something I don't want to be able to play their game.

    I'll get down off my soapbox now but this topic has just set me off!

  5. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    I feel the same Ruthie... I don't know what the powers that be are thinking. Maybe they just don't care...

    as to the playable-only-with-internet-connection... I've wondered about that when I've opened sims and been connected to the main sims site
  6. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    I think their motto is Mo' Money Mo' Money!
    We want your money and we don't care how !
  7. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    There's a thing called overkill. I think EA's just proven you can go beyond it. -_-;
  8. Cjb402

    Cjb402 Owner of The Simmers Club

    Just more discouraging news about Securom, I have just about had it with buying anything that EA makes, I think my simming hobby will end with the sims 2. It is just not worth the hassle trying to get a game from EA to work the way it is supposed to due to their excessive security measures that are only frustrating the loyal customers that legally buy their games.
  9. hugzncuddles

    hugzncuddles New Member

    As always, the paying customers are the ones who suffer whilst the pirates are laughing at us all. I just wish that EA would realise this, and do the right thing: take securom off their game discs. They still haven't realised that securom has done the opposite of what was intended - people have turned to piracy for their games merely to avoid securom, even the previously loyal paying customers. I'm sticking by my boycott of their games until they remove securom. I know that many fans have done the same, not just with PC games but ANY of their games across all gaming platforms. EA as a brand is, and will continue, dropping in popularity and losing customer loyalty.

    And EA *needs* to sell their games.

    We, the fans, the paying customers *do NOT need* to buy them. (And I don't mean turning to piracy - I mean finding other hobbies.)
  10. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    I really wanted to finish the story I started last year... but since my system was wiped out after last expansion... I haven't reinstalled any of it. Consequently story is remaining in limbo. Wish there was a direct line to EA (or whoever) that I could register my extreme displeaser. I've been playing Civilization 3. Graphics a little lame but challenging all the same.

    I was so looking forward to Sims 3 and Spore.

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