Hey Everyone!

Discussion in 'Introductions Forums' started by ashgrace, Jun 19, 2008.

  1. ashgrace

    ashgrace New Member

    Hey Everyone!

    Since I'm kind of terrible at introductions, I'm going to flake out and use the ice-breaker questions :blush:

    Preferred Name: Ashley
    Favourite Book: Ha...this is a little harder. My favourite types of books are generally fantasy or science fiction.
    Favourite Movie: I honestly can't say I have a favourite. A few good movies that come to mind just now would be American History X, Training Day, Running Scared, and Blood Diamond.
    Favourite Actor/Actress: Although I don't really watch many movies, I'd have to say my favourite actress is Charlize Theron and my favourite actor is Bruce Willis.
    Favourite Game: My favourite types of games are RPGs. I love the Zelda games and Final Fantasy.
    Favourite TV: I don't watch much TV, but if I do catch something, I like to watch the Simpsons, Friends, How It's Made, or just the Food Network in general.
    Favourite Colour: Blue has always been my favourite colour!
    Favourite Sport: I'm honestly not very athletic myself, but I'd have to say my favourite sport to watch or play for fun is hockey.
    Favourite Dessert: Lemon merangue pie!!
  2. swmeek

    swmeek I got your benevolent dictator pal!!

    Welcome to the site Ashley!
    Lots of cool things going on around here like the Spore critters a few of us have uploaded. :D
    I happen to like the Zelda games and Final Fantasy as well along with the old Dragon Warrior games too!
    Lemon Meringue pie rules too! The tarter it is the better!
  3. ManagerJosh

    ManagerJosh Benevolent Dictator Staff Member

    Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.... Lemon Meringue pies...
  4. Judhudson

    Judhudson is a Hi-Tech Redneck

    Hi there!
  5. scarylodger

    scarylodger New Member

    Hello there.

    I'm a Lemon merangue pie fan too :D

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