What Kind of neighborhood(s) will you build?

Discussion in 'The Sims 3' started by benjamin385, Aug 31, 2008.

  1. benjamin385

    benjamin385 New Member

    What Kind of neighborhood(s) will you build?

    As the title says What Kind of neighborhood will you build?

    I would Build an Halloween Town kind of Neighborhood (loved the nightmare before Christmas)

    I also loved the War hammer 40k and its role playing game Dark Heresy so probably the world of Apocalypse just in Neighborhood form.

    I would Probably build an Fallout neighborhood also don't know if the Vault(s) are going to be a challenge. they would defiantly be a challenge in The sims 2.
  2. timothgallagher

    timothgallagher New Member

    Show us a couple of expansion packs - so we can attain some idea what the Sims 3 is capable of. Maybe show what you've done on YouTube... so the rest of us would be inspired enough to get the game.
  3. jeffrompas

    jeffrompas New Member

    I dunno if there will be a "Create a neighborhood" feature in Sims 3, but if it's possible, i'll make a Retro neighborhood
  4. JohnEZ

    JohnEZ The Mac Guy

    Probably Hollywood... with different sections of the town being occupied by my favorite TV/Movie neighborhoods.

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