coffee house :)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by sugar_junkie, Oct 25, 2002.

  1. Billie

    Billie New Member

    What has everyone been up to lately? I notice we have some more new faces here. How are you all doing?
  2. Emidio

    Emidio New Member

    Lately i've been studying lots, and wondering when i'll have money to go to the disco again... And you billie, what you're up to?
  3. hataz_gon_hate

    hataz_gon_hate Be Nice

    nothing special...hello emidio
  4. Bookworm42

    Bookworm42 Oh No! Bathtime!

    Well, Philip, JUST for you I changed my color...I had just assumed that if it was hard to read then people would just highlite it to make it more visible...but didn't think of people that were color-blind....

    As far as my quote is concerned...I'm not really sure where you're coming from but thought that the quote was self-explanatory, in the context that evil things will happen if good people don't try to stop the people who are committing the evil deeds.... :confused: (eg. kinda like in the movie "Erin Brockovich")

    Anyway, to all the others here...Cheers!! Hope you're all having a great day!!

    (takes a big swig of my coffee :)
  5. Billie

    Billie New Member

    Well I've been playing sims between docters appointments, in an attempt tp forget. Also trying to learn how to stop being the "monkey in the middle" everytime someone in this commune (house) in which I attempt to live in has a problem with another house mate.

    I'm Thinking of starting a new thread seeking advice for the Krazed in communal living. (just kidding)
  6. Bookworm42

    Bookworm42 Oh No! Bathtime!

    Hang in there Billie! Unfortunately, "no man is an island, sufficient unto himself" but sometimes, one almost wishes they were....What's that old expression, "The more I see of people, the more I like my dog!" ...and sometimes, it feels like that but in the long run it would be pretty lonely and boring without others to interact with...but I understand how tough it is to be the one that everyone runs to looking for sympathy to their must have that aura of sympathy and a friend of mine sometimes says to people that are too needy, "I'm afraid that you have mistaken me for someone who cares!"
  7. PhilipTarbuck

    PhilipTarbuck New Member

    Thank you for changing the colour, Bookworm. It is a good deal easier to read. The old colour was so hard I couldn't make out a word - sorry! 15% of men are red/green deficient - apparently it is a defective gene passed on by women to men. My grandson is also colour blind and slightly worse than me.
    I am afraid that I dislike most, if not quite all, of these catchy sayings. I am particularly against that one that says everything anyone does has an impact on the entire world. I am perfectly certain that nothing at all that I do has the slightest impact on anyone at all. My wife will not come to terms with my deafness, which can be quite infuriating.
    Dogs are far better than people. If they don't like you they tell you immediately. If they like you, similarly, you know it. Horses are much the same.
    I have heard a story (it must be wrong!!) that the waltz, foxtrot and quickstep (and even the tango) are ancient and avoided nowadays. Is that right? I really should have continued to learn to dance. I have stacks of musical videos.
  8. Bookworm42

    Bookworm42 Oh No! Bathtime!

    No problem Philip...I'm just glad that you told me that there was a for your dislike of catchy sayings, I must say that I agree with you on many of them...and I, too, question just how much impact that I have on anything around me except for my family...and I'm sure that you have some impact on your wife and children too!...I just hope that my impact on my children/hubby is a positive one! As for the dance steps...I suppose that much of that isn't taught anymore ... everyone likes to "do their own thing" nowadays!! :)
  9. Colonel Froggie

    Colonel Froggie Lord of the Frogs

    *comes in and sits down*

    *looks around nervously and admits that he enjoys sewing*

    :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

    *runs away real fast after grabbing a gallon of coffee*
  10. Colonel Froggie

    Colonel Froggie Lord of the Frogs

    *comes back with an empty gallon jug and sits down*
    ;) Actually its nothin' to be ashamed of, it just doesn't fit my character. :p :p
  11. Colonel Froggie

    Colonel Froggie Lord of the Frogs

    *notices that no one is posting in the coffeehouse anymore*
    *drinks some swirly blue coffee :p)

    Well, why exactly ISN'T anyone posting in the coffeehouse?
  12. hataz_gon_hate

    hataz_gon_hate Be Nice

    does this count as a post? *posts*
  13. Colonel Froggie

    Colonel Froggie Lord of the Frogs

    maybe.......thought i killed this one....

  14. Bookworm42

    Bookworm42 Oh No! Bathtime!

    Nope, Froggie...just haven't posted for a week as ran outta internet time!! :eek: Anyone been eyeing your legs lately? LOL!

    *grabs coffee and sits back in chair. Eyes Froggie's legs hungrily. *;) :bandit: :devious:
  15. Colonel Froggie

    Colonel Froggie Lord of the Frogs

    I do have beautiful legs, don't I.......
    But they aren't edible...

    *refills his gallon coffe pot*
  16. PhilipTarbuck

    PhilipTarbuck New Member

    Of course, they eat frogs legs in France and, maybe, also in Canada? We don't here. I don't think our frogs are plump enough, although our cats seem to think so occasionally.
  17. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    Hrm... frog legs are one type of "food" that has never interested me... :p
  18. Colonel Froggie

    Colonel Froggie Lord of the Frogs

    yep....i'm more interested in freak potato chips than frog legs.....finally found one the other day.....has a hole straight through it, perfectly round.....
    (that IS my hobby)
    :tired::tired: :|
  19. Colonel Froggie

    Colonel Froggie Lord of the Frogs

    I just go on, and on don't I.......what can I say? it's a gift.....:p:p
    Seriously though, collectiong freak potato chips IS one of my hobbies....I dun keep 'em just get lotsa pictures...
    :bunny: :tired:
  20. Colonel Froggie

    Colonel Froggie Lord of the Frogs

    :dead: Think I might of killed this one again... :eek: but I need more posts so I'm just gonna kinda post here anyway............:rolleyes:

    *slams down another decaf*

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