coffee house :)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by sugar_junkie, Oct 25, 2002.

  1. Hyrune

    Hyrune New Member

    *passes out box*
    I got a few boxes in the truck anyway. Anyone want any whipped cream? Choclate cake?
  2. PhilipTarbuck

    PhilipTarbuck New Member

    Chocolate cake is really nice - Much too good to come into our house except on special occasions, of which there is one coming up.
  3. Hyrune

    Hyrune New Member

    *sips hot choclate*

    Which celebration? Christmas? (YAY!) Birthday? Etc?

    *takes donut*
  4. PhilipTarbuck

    PhilipTarbuck New Member

    That will get you fat.
  5. Hyrune

    Hyrune New Member

    I've resigned to the fact that at some point in my life i will inevitably be quite fat, just as i know there will be a time when I'm young, old, drugged and highly amused. You can't change life, you live it. Lossen up.
    *takes second donut. Hyrune later dies from heart attack*
  6. OinkUsed2BABunny

    OinkUsed2BABunny Perma-banned.

    Those evil donuts get you every time.
  7. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    I don't know how she could feel bad afterwards? She had a few days to feed it before it would have starved; she should have known it was hungry seeing as they need to eat about every three hours because they're hyper and have a small digestive track. Tisk. Those are the animals I actually feel sorry for.

    Haha. Meh. If I do get one I don't think I'll ever let it out of the house, unless my dogs die. I'd feel pretty bad if he got eatten.

    One thing that makes me really nervous about them is their tendancy to get cancer. I was talking to AFS (Alberta Ferret Sociaty, at least that's what I think their name was) and the one girl said that it's a really common illness in ferrets. They think it's because they get fixed so young, when it should probably only be done when they're around six months of age.

    I went to Edmonton yesterday morning with my parents. It was pretty fun, but my dad was getting annoyed with the traffic in that city. A lot of morons, when it comes to driving, in it too.
    We went to a few pet stores around the city and saw a few ferrets, unfortunately a lot were sold out this close to Christmas.
    There was this albino one they had and it was quite cute and hyper. Let him smell my hand just out of range of his teeth, but my brother wasn't thinking so he put his finger in the cage and got bit. :LOL: Right away dad was wondering if he needed a shot for it. :confused:
    It was funny though. ;)

    On a different note... Longest rant post ever and: Yay, Christmas. :D
  8. OinkUsed2BABunny

    OinkUsed2BABunny Perma-banned.

    Wow, soo... muuuch.... green!

    Yeah, I'm sure J... I mean your brother deserved what he got too.
  9. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    Yeah. Jorkein was asking for it. :p "Never point your finger at a ferret's nose" and he does it.
  10. OinkUsed2BABunny

    OinkUsed2BABunny Perma-banned.

    I can tell Jorkein is a very smart kid, Gurtrude.
  11. Helén

    Helén Posting Queen

    *Shows up and throw her self down at a table*

    *Gets a Coffee Wiener Melange.*

    Aaahhhhh!!! :D Good to be back. What's up folks? Talking about a story or what?
  12. Hyrune

    Hyrune New Member

    *realises he's been drinking the same mug of hot choclate all week*

    *sips choco*
    Hey again.
  13. Hyrune

    Hyrune New Member

  14. Jake

    Jake New Member

    wow.. this has a lot of pages... wonder if it's a record.. or maybe some of the decryption threads have more pages..
  15. OinkUsed2BABunny

    OinkUsed2BABunny Perma-banned.

    I wonder what's the most pages a thread has ever gotten here on these forums.
  16. Jake

    Jake New Member

    i vote we ask josh to find out..

    Josh!! please find out what the most pages for a single thread has ever been! pleae :D!
  17. Hyrune

    Hyrune New Member

    Wow, i just noticed there ARE alot of pages...
  18. SolidSnake_19

    SolidSnake_19 Senior Moderator

    One of the Decryption pages are probably the longest. But out of real conversations I wonder which one is..
  19. Helén

    Helén Posting Queen

    That's one pretty funny questioon in "useless information". Right Jake? LOL
  20. suitemichelle

    suitemichelle Gramma's here!

    yeah, kind of like how many posts have I made today....

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